Visma administration SPCS
Evatic Service Hub has an integration with Visma Administration 1000.
Implemented imports
- Import Customers/addresses data from Visma to Evatic
- Import Suppliers from Visma to Evatic
- Import Contacts from Visma to Evatic
- Import Articles from Visma to Evatic
Implemented exports
The future planned job parts
- Import Supplier Order Information to Evatic (not implemented)
- ..more imports and exports will come.
These will be implemented in future releases of Evatic Service Hub.
Integration Setup in ESH
In the Evatic Service Hub, on the Integrations tab, click Add integration. A list of available integration types will be shown in the Add new integration view. Locate Visma Administration SPCS and click Create on that row. The Create Visma Administration SPCS integration view will be shown. Fill in the standard fields for integrations: select an Evatic database connection, add a name and description for the integration, and select a company.
For the Visma Administration installation path, add the path to your Visma Administration installation files. This will be the path to the folder where the adk.dll file is located. You can find it in the system environment variables (under Path). Provide a valid username and password.
In the Visma Administration SPCS configuration setup section, add paths to the Common files folder and the Company folder for your Visma Administration 1000 installation. The company url points to the correct company FTG.ini file which in turn points to the correct Visma Administration company database.
Now click Save to save the integration. In the Integrations view, your new integration should be listed. If you click Open next to it, two jobs should be listed in the Scheduling view: Import data from Visma Administration SPCS and Export data to Visma Administration SPCS. Return to the Integrations view. Click Edit to go to the Edit integration view. Click Test connection to test connectivity to the Visma Administration installation.
Split jobs with several job parts into smaller jobs
If you want to split your the import job into smaller parts, running each import in a seperate scheduler you can do that. In your browser’s address field, after your esh url, type /spa to go to the configuration pages.
In the list of integrations, click Open on your integration. If all your jobs are disabled, the view is blank, as they are default hidden. Click Show disabled jobs to show the disabled jobs.
The list of existing jobs will be shown in the left part of the page. Click on one of the jobs to see the list of job parts. Make a note of which job parts are there, and which order they run, as this could be important for the work flow.
Click the plus sign on top left to add a new schedulable job. Give it a name, and click Add.
Click your new job in the left pane. The list of job parts on the right is empty.
Click the Add job button on the right pane to add a job part.
You can right click a job part and click Delete to remove it from the list.
Repeat as necessary.
When you have created as many schedulable jobs as you need to replace the first one, go back to the original one and disable it (right click and click disable) or delete it.
Go back to your “regular” ESH and click open on your integration.
The list of schedulable jobs you added should be visible in the list of jobs. (on the Scheduling tab).
Select one and click Configure to set a time for it to run. (Can also be set more accurately as cron expressions in SQL server management studio.) Make sure the jobs run in the correct sequence on the first run. Import suppliers before articles, for example. After the first run, you may want to run the imports in another sequence, or some more often than others.
Limitations for the integration with Visma Administration SPCS
- Visma Administration SPCS must be set up to use authentication (Behörighetskontroll must be checked in Användare and a password set for users).
- Evatic Service Hub must be installed on the same machine as Visma Administration SPCS