Visma – Import Articles
Stored procedure
Visma structs
Field descriptions
Field no | Name | Evatic Field | Format | Visma field | Comment |
1 | Company | COMPANY | Text | - | From integration settings |
2 | Department | DEPT | Text | - | From integration settings |
3 | Article number | ARTICLE_NO | Text | ARTNR | |
4 | Description | ARTICLE_DESCRIPTION | Text | BENAEMN | |
5 | Search name | ARTICLE_SEARCHNAME | Text | BENAEMN | |
6 | Sorting group 1 | SORTGROUP_1 | Text | ARTGRP | Article group |
7 | Cost price | COST_PRICE | Double | KLK_INPRIS + KLK_FRAKT + KLK_OEVR | Computed field: purchase price + freight cost + other costs |
8 | Sales price | SALES_PRICE_1..5 | Number | PRIS.PRIS by ARTNR and PRISL | a) |
9 | Article info | ARTICLE_INFO | Text | ANM1 | remark 1 |
10 | Serial number | SERIAL_NO | Bool | LAGERVARA | If this field has value 1 in Visma Admin, stock will be imported. Also see footnote b) |
11 | Stock amount | AMOUNT_ON_STOCK | Double | ILAGER | Imported if SERIAL_NO = 1 |
12 | Location on stock | LOCATION | Text | LAGERPL | Imported if SERIAL_NO = 1 |
13 | Unit | UNIT | Text | ENHKOD | |
14 | Vat code | VAT_CODE | Number | PRM2.MOMS1..4 | Depending on ARTKNT.MOMSKOD for the accounting code ART.KONTKOD on the article |
15 | Supplier number | SUPPLIER_NUMBER | Text | LEVNR1 | Main supplier on article |
16 | Article status | ARTICLE_STATUS | Text | - | Active - 1, Inactive - 0 default 1 |
a) If Visma price list PRIS.PRISL = 1-5 then the price will be imported into the corresponding SALES_PRICE_1-5. For all other price lists, the price will be imported into SALES_PRICE_1
b) If the article is a stock article, the stock quantity and stock location will be imported into the selected stock. But the article will be imported without stock fields if a stock is not selected in the integration settings.