Connect External Projects
This type of integration is used to import external helpdesk/service projects to Evatic Service from external systems.
Create an External project integration
Use the button New integration and choose External projects. Give the integration a unique name and description. Press Save and note the ExternalSystemGuid and ExternalSystemId. We will use this information for sending requests.
The input needs to have an ExternalSystemGuid, which track the data in to Evatic Service. When a integration is created in Evatic Service Hub, an ExternalSystemGuid is created, this must be sent with the data. This guid will also be used as a key to get events from project/task that the external system as created.
NB! If an exception occurs inside the API, an exception of type FaultException containing the error message (string) is returned instead of a response object. The calling side must catch and handle this exception.
Creates or update existing project/task.The interface will create a new project/task if the external project number is not found, or update an existing task with corresponding external project number.
Mandatory fields:
- ExternalSystemGuid
- CustomerGuid (OBJ_NO) or ExternalCustomerNo
- ExternalCreateDate
Get the CustomerGuid via the Customer.svc's Search method. If ExternalCustomerNo is stored on customers in Evatic Service, you can use this to identify the customer, too.
New ProjectTasks will insert all the fields in the DataContract.
Note on some of the fields
- MachineNo (MACHINE_NO) is not mandatory. But if machine number is set, it has to be for a valid, existing machine in Evatic Service.
- ExternalTaskNo is a numeric field of max 5 digits.
- The Address will be fetched from machine if set and existing, or from the customer (1st visit address).
For an existing projectTask, these fields can be updated (database field names in parentheses):
- ResponseDate (RESPONSE_DATE)
- InternalComment (COMMENT_INTERNAL)
- SymptomText (SYMPTOM_TEXT)
- SymptomCode1 (SYMPTOM_CODE_1)
- SolutionDate (SOLUTION_DATE)
- Priority (PRIORITY_CODE)
- Node (NODE)
- OBJ_DATE and TimeZone will be set automatically by the API
Returns a list of events. Events are stored in a table in Evatic Service. Eg. when a task from the external system is closed, an event is saved and can be retrieved from this list.
Returns the task and its fields if the task guid is provided.
Will close the trigger. The event will not be in the list from the ListTriggerEvent. The current version supports only on task per project.