GET /api/Article/Echo/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string |
You can search for articles by a combination of criterias in the request body.
The ExternalSystemGuid (API key) and Company are mandatory and should always be included in the request. The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary.
In the request, set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run.
You should only use LastDateSavedFrom if you search for a limited number of articles changed after a specific date.
If your search are likely to result in several thousand rows it will be faster to not include LastDateSavedFrom in the search or to set it to null.
The request path for 'GetArticle/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetArticle'
POST /api/Article/GetArticle
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
You can search for articles by a combination of criterias in the request body.
The ExternalSystemGuid (API key) and Company are mandatory and should always be included in the request. The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary.
In the request, set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run.
You should only use LastDateSavedFrom if you search for a limited number of articles changed after a specific date.
If your search are likely to result in several thousand rows it will be faster to not include LastDateSavedFrom in the search or to set it to null.
The request path for 'GetArticle/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetArticle'
POST /api/Article/GetArticle/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Create an Article on Evatic.
The request path for 'CreateArticle/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CreateArticle'
POST /api/Article/CreateArticle
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Create an Article on Evatic.
The request path for 'CreateArticle/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CreateArticle'
POST /api/Article/CreateArticle/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Patch an article. Only updates provided fields.
ExternalSystemGuid, Company and ArticleNo are required.
Properties not set or set to null will not be updated.
Note that if you set a property to an empty string (""), it will be updated.
POST /api/Article/PatchArticle
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
request | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string | ||
400 |
Update an Article on Evatic.
The request path for 'UpdateArticle/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateArticle'
POST /api/Article/UpdateArticle
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Update an Article on Evatic.
The request path for 'UpdateArticle/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateArticle'
POST /api/Article/UpdateArticle/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
GET /api/Contact/Echo/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string |
Create a Contact for a Customer on Evatic.
The only mandatory fields are 'ExternalSystemGuid' and; 'CustomerNo' or 'ContactGuid' to identify the customer
'ContactName' must have a value
If not used the following fields will use a default value:
- 'ContactStatus' will be set to true(active) * 'ContactCode' will be set to '1' (Customer Contact)
MainContact is either blank or;
'P' for main contact service 'S' for main contact sales(If you want the contact to be main contact for both service and sales you must send two requests)
It is a good idea to use ExternalSystemKey for your identifier of this item, this can later be used for update. If you want to use this item for update you must add a value in ExternalSystemKey that is unique for contacts on the customer that you add it. ContactNo in this json body is not used when you create a contact.The system will return the ContactNo created as the result of the request.
The request path for 'CreateContact/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CreateContact'
POST /api/Contact/CreateContact
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Create a Contact for a Customer on Evatic.
The only mandatory fields are 'ExternalSystemGuid' and; 'CustomerNo' or 'ContactGuid' to identify the customer
'ContactName' must have a value
If not used the following fields will use a default value:
- 'ContactStatus' will be set to true(active) * 'ContactCode' will be set to '1' (Customer Contact)
MainContact is either blank or;
'P' for main contact service 'S' for main contact sales(If you want the contact to be main contact for both service and sales you must send two requests)
It is a good idea to use ExternalSystemKey for your identifier of this item, this can later be used for update. If you want to use this item for update you must add a value in ExternalSystemKey that is unique for contacts on the customer that you add it. ContactNo in this json body is not used when you create a contact.The system will return the ContactNo created as the result of the request.
The request path for 'CreateContact/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CreateContact'
POST /api/Contact/CreateContact/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Get Contacts List and details using the Customer Guid The Customer Guid is unique so only Contacts belonging to one Customer will be returned.
CustomerGuid refers to the Customer Guid. Note: the ContactGuid is the same as CustomerGuid. CustomerGuid and ContactName gives an unique combination.
GET /api/Contact/GetContacts/{externalSystemGuid}/{customerGuid}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*customerGuid | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Patch a contact. Only updates provided fields.
ExternalSystemGuid is required.
ContactGuid and ContactNo are required to identify to contact, ContactCode is not required.
Properties not set or set to null will not be updated.
Note that if you set a property to an empty string (""), it will be updated.
POST /api/Contact/PatchContact
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
request | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Update an existing contact,
The only mandatory fields are 'ExternalSystemGuid' and; 'CustomerNo' or 'ContactGuid' to identify the customer
'ContactNo' or 'ExternalSystemKey' to find the contact.
ContactNo is the unique number within this customer created by Evatic when the contact was created. If you add this value in the request this is the contact that will be changed. If no contact within the customer has this ContactNo the system will return a message saying it is not possible to find the contact. ExternalSystemKey is a value that you could add when the contact is created(or updated). If you add a value for ExternalSystemKey in the request the system will update the contact with this value as long as the system finds a single hit within the customer. If the system finds multiple hits it will return a message saying that it is not possible to update 'ContactName' must have a value
If not used the following fields will use a default value:
'ContactStatus' will be set to true(active)
'ContactCode' will be set to '1'(Customer Contact)
MainContact is either blank or;
'P' for main contact service
'S' for main contact sales(If you want the contact to be main contact for both service and sales you must send two requests)
The request path for 'UpdateContact/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateContact'
POST /api/Contact/UpdateContact
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Update an existing contact,
The only mandatory fields are 'ExternalSystemGuid' and; 'CustomerNo' or 'ContactGuid' to identify the customer
'ContactNo' or 'ExternalSystemKey' to find the contact.
ContactNo is the unique number within this customer created by Evatic when the contact was created. If you add this value in the request this is the contact that will be changed. If no contact within the customer has this ContactNo the system will return a message saying it is not possible to find the contact. ExternalSystemKey is a value that you could add when the contact is created(or updated). If you add a value for ExternalSystemKey in the request the system will update the contact with this value as long as the system finds a single hit within the customer. If the system finds multiple hits it will return a message saying that it is not possible to update 'ContactName' must have a value
If not used the following fields will use a default value:
'ContactStatus' will be set to true(active)
'ContactCode' will be set to '1'(Customer Contact)
MainContact is either blank or;
'P' for main contact service
'S' for main contact sales(If you want the contact to be main contact for both service and sales you must send two requests)
The request path for 'UpdateContact/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateContact'
POST /api/Contact/UpdateContact/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
GET /api/Contract/Echo/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string |
Get information about valid contract type the device is connected to (The function will only return the one contract type, even if the machine is connected to several)
GET /api/Contract/ContractByMachine/{externalSystemGuid}/{customerGuid}/{machineNo}/{modelType}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*customerGuid | path | |||
*machineNo | path | |||
*modelType | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Get information about valid contract type the device is connected to (The function will only return the one contract type, even if the machine is connected to several)
GET /api/Contract/ContractByMachineByCustomerNo/{externalSystemGuid}/{customerNo}/{machineNo}/{modelType}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*customerNo | path | |||
*machineNo | path | |||
*modelType | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Get all contract templates available for company in externSystemGuid
GET /api/Contract/GetContractTemplates/{externalSystemGuid}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Create a new contract or add information to an existing contract for one machine.
If you want to add rows to an existing Contract set the unique identifier on ContractGuid.
If you want to make a new contract and the auto numbering of contracts are turned off, set ContractGuid to null and set the contract number on ContractNo.
If you want to make a new contract and the auto numbering of contracts are turned on, set ContractGuid to null and ContractNo to null.
If you want to only add fixed price rows, set PeriodVolume = false.
If you want to add a volume row or both volume and fixed price, set PeriodVolume = true.
Details for fixed price rows are set in the FixedPriceRows list.
Details about the meters on the volume row are set in the Meters list.
You can only add new rows on a new contract or an existing contract, it is not possible to add information on a existing row.
Return messages on wrong input:
Company must match the company set on external system
Template is missing
1 - In this setup you need to add a contract number when you want to create a new contract
2 - This contract number already exists
3 - Could not find existing contract with this guid
4 - Could not find template
5 - Can not add fixed price rows using this template
6 - The requested article is not a fixed price row in this template
7 - Can not find machine
8 - Can not find invoice customer or address row
9 - When PeriodVolume is selected on the request you must add meter info
10 - The requested meter is not a valid meter on this model
11 - Not possible to add multiple invoicable meters on contract rows with calculate method 005
12 - You can not add a new machine on a total volume contract while a letter is sent out and not reported.
13 - Invoice layout is missing on the template for fixed price row
14 - Invoice layout is missing on the template for volume rows
POST /api/Contract/InsertContractFromTemplate
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
request | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
GET /api/Currency/Echo/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string |
Get the Currency detail using the Currency Code. The currencyCode is unique so only one currency record will be returned.
GET /api/Currency/GetCurrency/{company}/{currencyCode}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*company | path | |||
*currencyCode | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Update the Currency detail. The currencyCode is unique so only one currency record will be updated. The OldCurrencyCode is optional. Use this when renaming a code: so enter the new code in CurrencyCode and the old one in the OldCurrencyCode
The ExternalSystemGuid is required for authentication The Company is mandatory and is required for deciding which database to update The CurrencyCode is mandatory and is required for deciding which currency to update The Exchange Rate is used to update the exchange rate of the currency (enter as a decimal)
PATCH /api/Currency/UpdateCurrency
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
item | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
GET /api/Customer/Echo/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string |
Get Customer detail using the Customer Guid The Customer Guid is unique so only one customer will be returned.
GET /api/Customer/GetCustomerByCustomerGuid/{externalSystemGuid}/{customerGuid}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*customerGuid | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Get Customer information by customer Number
GET /api/Customer/GetCustomerByCustomerNo/{externalSystemGuid}/{customerNo}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*customerNo | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Get information about all departments in this company (the company connected to the API)
GET /api/Customer/GetDepartments/{externalSystemGuid}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Get information about all countries in this company (the company connected to the API)
GET /api/Customer/GetCountries/{externalSystemGuid}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Search for customers, return a list of matching customers.
The request path for 'GetCustomers/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetCustomers'
POST /api/Customer/GetCustomers
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Search for customers, return a list of matching customers.
The request path for 'GetCustomers/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetCustomers'
POST /api/Customer/GetCustomers/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Create a customer on Evatic.
The request path for 'CreateCustomer/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CreateCustomer'
POST /api/Customer/CreateCustomer
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Create a customer on Evatic.
The request path for 'CreateCustomer/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CreateCustomer'
POST /api/Customer/CreateCustomer/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Patch a customer. Only updates provided fields.
ExternalSystemGuid, CustomerGuid and CustomerNo are required.
Properties not set or set to null will not be updated.
Note that if you set a property to an empty string (""), it will be updated.
Some of the fields in UpdateCustomer do not exist in here. They include CreditTermCode, CreditTermDescription, all SortGroup properties, CreditDays, DeliveryTermCode, DeliveryTermDescription, MeansOfDeliveryCode, MeansOfDeliveryDescription and CustomerReference
POST /api/Customer/PatchCustomer
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Update a customer on Evatic.
The request path for 'UpdateCustomer/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateCustomer'
POST /api/Customer/UpdateCustomer
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Update a customer on Evatic.
The request path for 'UpdateCustomer/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateCustomer'
POST /api/Customer/UpdateCustomer/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Create an address for a customer on Evatic.
The request path for 'CreateAddress/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CreateAddress'
POST /api/Customer/CreateAddress
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Create an address for a customer on Evatic.
The request path for 'CreateAddress/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CreateAddress'
POST /api/Customer/CreateAddress/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Patch an address. Use this to update only the fields you provide in the call. Properties not set or set to null will not be updated
ExternalSystemGuid and CustomerNo are required.
For each CustomerAddressPatchDataContract, ExternalSystemKey is required
POST /api/Customer/PatchAddress
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string | ||
400 |
Update an address for a customer on Evatic.
The request path for 'UpdateAddress/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateAddress'
POST /api/Customer/UpdateAddress
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Update an address for a customer on Evatic.
The request path for 'UpdateAddress/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateAddress'
POST /api/Customer/UpdateAddress/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to search for existing adresses. The function will return a list of addresses that match the input. The ExternalSystemGuid(API key) and Company are mandatory and should always be included in the request. The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary.
In the request, set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run.
The request path for 'GetAddresses/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetAddresses'
POST /api/Customer/GetAddresses
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to search for existing adresses. The function will return a list of addresses that match the input. The ExternalSystemGuid(API key) and Company are mandatory and should always be included in the request. The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary.
In the request, set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run.
The request path for 'GetAddresses/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetAddresses'
POST /api/Customer/GetAddresses/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to get one address by search for the address key from a external system. The function will return one address and only if it finds a unique hit. The APIKEY (ExternalSystemGuid) and EXTERNALSYSTEMKEY are mandatory and should always be included in the request.
GET /api/Customer/GetAddressByExternalSystemKey/{externalSystemGuid}/{externalSystemKey}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*externalSystemKey | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
GET /api/Document/Echo/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string |
Get the Document detail using the Document Guid. The Document Guid is unique so only one document will be returned.
GET /api/Document/GetDocument/{externalSystemGuid}/{documentGuid}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*documentGuid | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Delete the Document detail using the Document Guid.
DELETE /api/Document/DeleteDocument/{externalSystemGuid}/{documentGuid}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*documentGuid | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Update the Document detail using the Document Guid.
Pass in the Document Guid in the URL and the Document details in the payload. The Document Guid in the URL and the Document Guid in the payload must match. The Document Guid is unique so only one document will be updated. The Document Guid is not updatable.
The Document Type is updatable.
The Document SourceId (Guid) is updatable.
The Document Title is updatable.
The Document Size is updatable.
The Document DateCreated is updatable.
The Document file data is updatable.
All other fields in the payload are not required but kept so that it matches the document structure.
PATCH /api/Document/UpdateDocument/{externalSystemGuid}/{documentGuid}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*documentGuid | path | |||
document | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Create a new Document.
Pass in any Document Guid (it will be ignored) and a new one assigned.
POST /api/Document/CreateDocument/{externalSystemGuid}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
document | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Get a list of Documents using optional filters.
If no filters are provided, all documents will be returned. If no paging is provided, the first 10 documents will be returned.
If multiple filters are provided, only documents that match all the filters will be returned.
If using the DocumentType filter then assign FilterOnDocumentType to 1. If selecting documents with a DocumentType of NULL (to retrieve items where the type is null) then also set the FilterOnDocumentType to 1.
If using the DateCreatedFrom and DateCreatedTo filters then one or both can be provided.
If Document title is being used then the search will look for the title containing the search string.
All other filters use an exact match.
If the Source Project No filter is used then the optional Project Task No can also be applied .
POST /api/Document/GetDocuments
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
request | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
GET /api/Health/Check
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string |
GET /api/Login/Echo/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string |
Get API Version
GET /api/Login/VersionGet/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string |
Post API Version
POST /api/Login/VersionPost/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string |
Get Login
GET /api/Login/GetLogin/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | |||
400 |
GET /api/Machine/Echo/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | file |
Get a machine using ObjNo
The 'externalSystemGuid' parameter is mandatory and must always be included.
The 'objNo' parameter is mandatory and must always be included.
GET /api/Machine/GetMachine/{externalSystemGuid}/{objNo}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*objNo | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Get machines using filters
The 'externalSystemGuid' parameter is mandatory and must always be included.
All filters are optional.
POST /api/Machine/GetMachines
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
request | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Update machine
The 'ExternalSystemGuid' parameter is mandatory and must always be included.
The 'Company' parameter is mandatory.
The 'MachineGuid' parameter is mandatory.
PATCH /api/Machine/UpdateMachine
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
request | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Create a new machine
If MachineNo is omitted, blank or 'New' a temporary serialnumber or an auto number in Evatic is used as MachineNo.
The 'ExternalSystemGuid' (API key), 'ModelGuid', 'CustomerGuid' and 'AddressRowNo' are mandatory and should always be included in the request.
Field If Active is omitted the Status will be inactive. Some omitted parameters will get values from AppSettings:
Dept: integration department
POST /api/Machine/InsertMachine
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string | ||
400 |
You can search for machines by customer guid
GET /api/Machine/MachinesByCustomerGuid/{externalSystemGuid}/{customerGuid}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*customerGuid | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
You can search for machines by customer guid and model type
GET /api/Machine/MachinesByCustomerGuidAndModelType/{externalSystemGuid}/{customerGuid}?modelType
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*customerGuid | path | |||
*modelType | query |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
You can search for machines by customer guid and machine number
GET /api/Machine/MachinesByCustomerGuidAndMachineNo/{externalSystemGuid}/{customerGuid}?machineNo
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*customerGuid | path | |||
*machineNo | query |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
You can search for machines by customer guid, machine number and model type. With pagination
GET /api/Machine/MachinesByCustomerGuidAndMachineNoAndModelType/{externalSystemGuid}/{customerGuid}?machineNo&modelType&page&pageSize
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*customerGuid | path | |||
*machineNo | query | |||
*modelType | query | |||
*page | query | |||
*pageSize | query |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
You can search for machines by customer number, machine number and model type. With pagination
GET /api/Machine/MachinesByCustomerNoAndMachineNoAndModelType/{externalSystemGuid}/{customerNo}?machineNo&modelType&page&pageSize
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*customerNo | path | |||
*machineNo | query | |||
*modelType | query | |||
*page | query | |||
*pageSize | query |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
You can search for machine and customer information by customer guid, machine number and model type
GET /api/Machine/MachineInfoByCustomerGuidAndMachineNoAndModelType/{externalSystemGuid}/{customerGuid}/{machineNo}/{modelType}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*customerGuid | path | |||
*machineNo | path | |||
*modelType | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
You can search for machine and customer information by customer number, machine number and model type
GET /api/Machine/MachineInfoByCustomerNoAndMachineNoAndModelType/{externalSystemGuid}/{customerNo}/{machineNo}/{modelType}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*customerNo | path | |||
*machineNo | path | |||
*modelType | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Get service history for a machine
GET /api/Machine/MachineServiceHistory/{externalSystemGuid}/{customerGuid}/{machineNo}/{modelType}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*customerGuid | path | |||
*machineNo | path | |||
*modelType | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Get service history for a machine by customer number, machine number and model type
GET /api/Machine/MachineServiceHistoryByCustomerNo/{externalSystemGuid}/{customerNo}/{machineNo}/{modelType}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*customerNo | path | |||
*machineNo | path | |||
*modelType | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Add consumable level for a machine in Evatic (used by ECMM). This can be toner percentage or other values that represents the status of a consumable.r
The 'ExternalSystemGuid' (API key), 'Company', either 'MachineGuid' or 'MachineNo', 'StatusDate' and 'Levels' are mandatory and should always be included in the request. There must be at least one row in 'Levels' and each row must include a 'ConsumableName' and a 'Level'. The 'Level' can be any integer value beetween 0 and 100. 100 is OK (Full) and 0 is NOT OK (Empty).
The request path for 'AddConsumableLevel/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'AddConsumableLevel'
POST /api/Machine/AddConsumableLevel
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string | ||
400 |
Add consumable level for a machine in Evatic (used by ECMM). This can be toner percentage or other values that represents the status of a consumable.r
The 'ExternalSystemGuid' (API key), 'Company', either 'MachineGuid' or 'MachineNo', 'StatusDate' and 'Levels' are mandatory and should always be included in the request. There must be at least one row in 'Levels' and each row must include a 'ConsumableName' and a 'Level'. The 'Level' can be any integer value beetween 0 and 100. 100 is OK (Full) and 0 is NOT OK (Empty).
The request path for 'AddConsumableLevel/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'AddConsumableLevel'
POST /api/Machine/AddConsumableLevel/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string | ||
400 |
Start the process of calculate remaning days and other statuses on new consumable levels. This process should be started after you have added all the consumable levels that you are planning to add in a run. This means that you add all the consumable levels using 'AddConsumableLevel', after you have added consumable levels for all the machines you are working on then you call 'UpdateCalculationOfConsumableLevels'.
The 'ExternalSystemGuid' (API key) and 'Company' are mandatory and should always be included in the request. The function will only start the process and will on a sucessfull request return to the caller imidiately with the information that the process has started. There is no functionality in the API to see when the process is finished.
PUT /api/Machine/UpdateCalculationOfConsumableLevels/{externalSystemGuid}/{company}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
*company | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string | ||
400 |
Add meter reading for a machine in Evatic (used by ECMM, Letter readings, service readings). These are values that represent number of units of different meters on a machine.
The 'ExternalSystemGuid' (API key), 'Company', either 'MachineGuid' or 'MachineNo', 'ReadingDate' and 'MeterReadings' are mandatory and should always be included in the request. There must be at least one row in 'MeterReadings' and each row must include a 'MeterType' or 'MeterGuid' and a 'Value'. The 'Value' is a Numeric(9) in the database.
The request path for 'AddMeterReading/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'AddMeterReading'
POST /api/Machine/AddMeterReading
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string | ||
400 |
Add meter reading for a machine in Evatic (used by ECMM, Letter readings, service readings). These are values that represent number of units of different meters on a machine.
The 'ExternalSystemGuid' (API key), 'Company', either 'MachineGuid' or 'MachineNo', 'ReadingDate' and 'MeterReadings' are mandatory and should always be included in the request. There must be at least one row in 'MeterReadings' and each row must include a 'MeterType' or 'MeterGuid' and a 'Value'. The 'Value' is a Numeric(9) in the database.
The request path for 'AddMeterReading/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'AddMeterReading'
POST /api/Machine/AddMeterReading/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string | ||
400 |
Get a list of all available meter types for a company
The 'externalSystemGuid' parameter is mandatory and must always be included. Company is based on 'externalSystemGuid' parameter
GET /api/Machine/GetMeters/{externalSystemGuid}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Get a list of meter readings for a specific machine or/and for a date range.
The 'ExternalSystemGuid' (API key), 'Company' and 'DateFrom' are mandatory and should always be included in the request. The maximum value for 'Take' is 1000 and the system will override any value bigger than that.
Paging the result set: In the request, set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo.The Skip value should be 0 on the first run. Then run the request in a loop until all rows have been fetched, increasing the Skip value by the number of fetched rows for each run, the Take value should be unchanged throughout. If you set the Take value to 0, or don't add QueryPagingInfo, the system will return maximum 1000 rows.
The request path for 'GetMeterReadings/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetMeterReadings'
POST /api/Machine/GetMeterReadings
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Get a list of meter readings for a specific machine or/and for a date range.
The 'ExternalSystemGuid' (API key), 'Company' and 'DateFrom' are mandatory and should always be included in the request. The maximum value for 'Take' is 1000 and the system will override any value bigger than that.
Paging the result set: In the request, set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo.The Skip value should be 0 on the first run. Then run the request in a loop until all rows have been fetched, increasing the Skip value by the number of fetched rows for each run, the Take value should be unchanged throughout. If you set the Take value to 0, or don't add QueryPagingInfo, the system will return maximum 1000 rows.
The request path for 'GetMeterReadings/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetMeterReadings'
POST /api/Machine/GetMeterReadings/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Add a new meter
ExternalSystemGuid, Company, Name and Description are mandatory fields
Virtual means if this is a physical or virtual meter, normally this should be false Virtual
Type is not mandatory ans is used to determine the type of meter, valid values are: (blank), B (Black), C (Color), O (Other), S (Scan)
POST /api/Machine/InsertMeter
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
meterRequest | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Add a property on a machine
POST /api/Machine/AddMachinePropertyValue
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to update the value of an existing property.
SourceId is the unique identifer of the machine that the property belongs to. (ValueId is deprecated, please use SourceId instead. If SourceId is missing or blank ValueId will be used as SourceId).
Code is the code of the property value that should be updated.
Value is the value that will be set on the row.
POST /api/Machine/UpdateMachinePropertyValue
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | boolean | ||
400 |
You can search for models by a combination of criterias in the request body.
The ExternalSystemGuid (API key) and Company are mandatory and should always be included in the request. The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary.
In the request, set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run.
POST /api/Machine/GetModel
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Insert model.
The only mandatory fields are externalSystemGuid, Company, Type and Description.
The other fields can be added or omitted as necessary, but we recommend to set Active to true..
If you want to add link to IntervalGroup, Supplier, Article or TotalMeter you can either add the unique identifier in the the field that ends with Guid or you can use the fields IntervalGroupType, SupplierNo, ArticleNo and TotalMeterType.
In the meter list the only mandatory field is meter.
Also in the meter list you can choose to either use the field MeterType or MeterGuid.
POST /api/Machine/InsertModel/{externalSystemGuid}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*externalSystemGuid | path | |||
request | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
GET /api/Order/Echo/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | file |
Set an Order as exported in Evatic. The Order will only become exported if the current status of the order is F or FP and will be changed to E and EP respectively.
If the current status of the order is any other than 'F' or 'FP' you will get the an error with the message 'Unable to set as exported due to incorrect current status'
The request path for 'SetOrderAsExported/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'SetOrderAsExported'
POST /api/Order/SetOrderAsExported
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Set an Order as exported in Evatic. The Order will only become exported if the current status of the order is F or FP and will be changed to E and EP respectively.
If the current status of the order is any other than 'F' or 'FP' you will get the an error with the message 'Unable to set as exported due to incorrect current status'
The request path for 'SetOrderAsExported/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'SetOrderAsExported'
POST /api/Order/SetOrderAsExported/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Find Orders on Evatic.(Order headings and order lines)
The request path for 'GetOrders/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetOrders'.
The query request fields ExternalSystemGuid and CompanyCode are mandatory.
Other filter fields are optional and can be included or not in the request body. You can filter on
- Last changed dates: INVOICE_HEADING.CREATED_DATE for invoiced orders, ORDER_HEADING.OBJ_DATE for not invoiced orders
- Invoiced date for the invoiced orders
- OrderNo to get one single order
- OrderStatus - specify order statuses in a comma-separated string. If not specified, all statuses will be included.
- Department code
- Include not invoiced an not invoiceable orders by setting NotInvoiced to true. If false or not specified, the default will be false, which gets only invoiced orders.
Restrict the number of returned rows in one of two ways: Either set the SelectTopNumber to an integer number. Or use the PagingInfo by setting values for Take (how many rows per 'page') and Skip (the 'page' number * take). The Take value should remain the same throughout the paged run.
If both types of restrictions are specified, the PagingInfo will be used. If none are specified, a default number of 1000 orders will be returned. Note that the number of orders means Order Headings.
NB! The result data can contain considerably more data than the Take, SelectTopNumber or 1000 rows, as each order heading may have a varying number of order lines with it.
The result data will contain a Status node and a DataContract node. The first will contain the query result status, any error messages and number of returned rows. The returned data can be found in the DataContract node. The endpoint will not return orders that does not have any order lines with articles.
If no orders match the search criteria, the Status will contain an error no 3 and the message 'No orders found. The HTTP Response code will be 200
POST /api/Order/GetOrders
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Find Orders on Evatic.(Order headings and order lines)
The request path for 'GetOrders/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetOrders'.
The query request fields ExternalSystemGuid and CompanyCode are mandatory.
Other filter fields are optional and can be included or not in the request body. You can filter on
- Last changed dates: INVOICE_HEADING.CREATED_DATE for invoiced orders, ORDER_HEADING.OBJ_DATE for not invoiced orders
- Invoiced date for the invoiced orders
- OrderNo to get one single order
- OrderStatus - specify order statuses in a comma-separated string. If not specified, all statuses will be included.
- Department code
- Include not invoiced an not invoiceable orders by setting NotInvoiced to true. If false or not specified, the default will be false, which gets only invoiced orders.
Restrict the number of returned rows in one of two ways: Either set the SelectTopNumber to an integer number. Or use the PagingInfo by setting values for Take (how many rows per 'page') and Skip (the 'page' number * take). The Take value should remain the same throughout the paged run.
If both types of restrictions are specified, the PagingInfo will be used. If none are specified, a default number of 1000 orders will be returned. Note that the number of orders means Order Headings.
NB! The result data can contain considerably more data than the Take, SelectTopNumber or 1000 rows, as each order heading may have a varying number of order lines with it.
The result data will contain a Status node and a DataContract node. The first will contain the query result status, any error messages and number of returned rows. The returned data can be found in the DataContract node. The endpoint will not return orders that does not have any order lines with articles.
If no orders match the search criteria, the Status will contain an error no 3 and the message 'No orders found. The HTTP Response code will be 200
POST /api/Order/GetOrders/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Create an Order on Evatic.
The description is optional but the OrderLine description will be null if not passed in. It does not default to the Article description. If the article code does not exist then the line will still be created but the Article No will be null
The request path for 'CreateOrder/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CreateOrder'
POST /api/Order/CreateOrder
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Create an Order on Evatic.
The description is optional but the OrderLine description will be null if not passed in. It does not default to the Article description. If the article code does not exist then the line will still be created but the Article No will be null
The request path for 'CreateOrder/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CreateOrder'
POST /api/Order/CreateOrder/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Update an Order on Evatic.
This function is made available to be able to change the information fields on the order heading. It is not possible to change other information on the order using this function.
Note: only the INFO fields that are to be updated need be passed in - the other INFO fields will remain unchanged.
The request path for 'UpdateOrder/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateOrder'
POST /api/Order/UpdateOrder
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Update an Order on Evatic.
This function is made available to be able to change the information fields on the order heading. It is not possible to change other information on the order using this function.
Note: only the INFO fields that are to be updated need be passed in - the other INFO fields will remain unchanged.
The request path for 'UpdateOrder/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateOrder'
POST /api/Order/UpdateOrder/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to verify that you can connect to the Service API
GET /api/Service/Echo/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string |
Retrieve project information in Evatic. Use the Project No as input.
POST /api/Service/GetProject
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Find a service job in Evatic. To get a specific project use either the Project No or the External Project No.
You can search for service job information by leaving the Project No and External Project No blank and use a combination of criteria in the request json.
The request paths for 'GetServiceJob/{id}' 'GetServiceProject' and 'GetServiceProject/{id}' are now deprecated. They are kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021 Please use the new request path for 'GetServiceJob'
POST /api/Service/GetServiceProject
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Find a service job in Evatic. To get a specific project use either the Project No or the External Project No.
You can search for service job information by leaving the Project No and External Project No blank and use a combination of criteria in the request json.
The request paths for 'GetServiceJob/{id}' 'GetServiceProject' and 'GetServiceProject/{id}' are now deprecated. They are kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021 Please use the new request path for 'GetServiceJob'
POST /api/Service/GetServiceJob
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Find a service job in Evatic. To get a specific project use either the Project No or the External Project No.
You can search for service job information by leaving the Project No and External Project No blank and use a combination of criteria in the request json.
The request paths for 'GetServiceJob/{id}' 'GetServiceProject' and 'GetServiceProject/{id}' are now deprecated. They are kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021 Please use the new request path for 'GetServiceJob'
POST /api/Service/GetServiceProject/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Find a service job in Evatic. To get a specific project use either the Project No or the External Project No.
You can search for service job information by leaving the Project No and External Project No blank and use a combination of criteria in the request json.
The request paths for 'GetServiceJob/{id}' 'GetServiceProject' and 'GetServiceProject/{id}' are now deprecated. They are kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021 Please use the new request path for 'GetServiceJob'
POST /api/Service/GetServiceJob/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Create a service job in Evatic. The only mandatory fields are 'ExternalSystemGuid' and a way to identify the customer ('ExternalCustomerNo' or 'CustomerNo' or 'CustomerGuid'). You should also set:
Type (1 = Service, 2 = HelpDesk)
'ExternalProjectNo' a unique way for you to identify this service job later.
If you want to connect the service job to a device you should add either 'MachineNo' and 'MachineModelType' or 'MachineGuid'
The request path for 'CreateServiceJob/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CreateServiceJob'
POST /api/Service/CreateServiceJob
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Create a service job in Evatic. The only mandatory fields are 'ExternalSystemGuid' and a way to identify the customer ('ExternalCustomerNo' or 'CustomerNo' or 'CustomerGuid'). You should also set:
Type (1 = Service, 2 = HelpDesk)
'ExternalProjectNo' a unique way for you to identify this service job later.
If you want to connect the service job to a device you should add either 'MachineNo' and 'MachineModelType' or 'MachineGuid'
The request path for 'CreateServiceJob/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CreateServiceJob'
POST /api/Service/CreateServiceJob/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Update a service job in Evatic. The only mandatory fields are 'ExternalSystemGuid'.
You also need to use 'ExternalProjectNo' (you can also combine this with 'ExternalTaskNo) or 'TaskGuid' to find the servicejob to update and you must add a way to identify the customer ('ExternalCustomerNo' or 'CustomerNo' or 'CustomerGuid').
You should also set: Type (1 = Service, 2 = HelpDesk)
The UpdateServiceJob function is only updating fields that not are set to null in the incomming json. If you only want to update some fields you can omit the fields you dont want to change or set them to null.
The request path for 'UpdateServiceJob/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateServiceJob'
POST /api/Service/UpdateServiceJob
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Update a service job in Evatic. The only mandatory fields are 'ExternalSystemGuid'.
You also need to use 'ExternalProjectNo' (you can also combine this with 'ExternalTaskNo) or 'TaskGuid' to find the servicejob to update and you must add a way to identify the customer ('ExternalCustomerNo' or 'CustomerNo' or 'CustomerGuid').
You should also set: Type (1 = Service, 2 = HelpDesk)
The UpdateServiceJob function is only updating fields that not are set to null in the incomming json. If you only want to update some fields you can omit the fields you dont want to change or set them to null.
The request path for 'UpdateServiceJob/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateServiceJob'
POST /api/Service/UpdateServiceJob/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Set a service job to finished or closed in Evatic. The only mandatory fields are 'ExternalSystemGuid', 'ExternalProjectNo' to find the servicejob to update and a way to identify the customer ('ExternalCustomerNo' or 'CustomerNo' or 'CustomerGuid').
The request path for 'CloseServiceJob/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CloseServiceJob'
POST /api/Service/CloseServiceJob
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Set a service job to finished or closed in Evatic. The only mandatory fields are 'ExternalSystemGuid', 'ExternalProjectNo' to find the servicejob to update and a way to identify the customer ('ExternalCustomerNo' or 'CustomerNo' or 'CustomerGuid').
The request path for 'CloseServiceJob/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CloseServiceJob'
POST /api/Service/CloseServiceJob/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
GET /api/Stock/Echo/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string |
You can search for stock inventory information by a combination of these criteria in the request json
The ExternalSystemGuid(API key) and Company are mandatory and should always be included in the request. The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary.
In the request, set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run.
The request path for 'GetStockInventory/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetStockInventory'
POST /api/Stock/GetStockInventory
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
You can search for stock inventory information by a combination of these criteria in the request json
The ExternalSystemGuid(API key) and Company are mandatory and should always be included in the request. The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary.
In the request, set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run.
The request path for 'GetStockInventory/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetStockInventory'
POST /api/Stock/GetStockInventory/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
You can search for stock transaction information by a combination of these criteria in the request json
The ExternalSystemGuid(API key) and Company are mandatory and should always be included in the request.The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary.
In the request, You can set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo.The Skip value should be 0 on the first run. If you don't add QueryPagingInfo in the request json the function will return all rows based on the other criteria.
The request path for 'GetStockTransactions/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetStockTransactions'
POST /api/Stock/GetStockTransactions
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
You can search for stock transaction information by a combination of these criteria in the request json
The ExternalSystemGuid(API key) and Company are mandatory and should always be included in the request.The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary.
In the request, You can set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo.The Skip value should be 0 on the first run. If you don't add QueryPagingInfo in the request json the function will return all rows based on the other criteria.
The request path for 'GetStockTransactions/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetStockTransactions'
POST /api/Stock/GetStockTransactions/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
You can update the field external status for stock transactions. You can set this field to a any char value you want and later use this information to exclude the rows in GetStockTransactions.
ExternalStatus The ExternalSystemGuid(API key) and StockAdminLogId are mandatory and should always be included in the request. The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary. (ExternalStatus can be omitted if you want to set the value to null)
The request path for 'UpdateStockTransactionExternalStatus/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed.Please use the request path for 'UpdateStockTransactionExternalStatus'
POST /api/Stock/UpdateStockTransactionExternalStatus
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
You can update the field external status for stock transactions. You can set this field to a any char value you want and later use this information to exclude the rows in GetStockTransactions.
ExternalStatus The ExternalSystemGuid(API key) and StockAdminLogId are mandatory and should always be included in the request. The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary. (ExternalStatus can be omitted if you want to set the value to null)
The request path for 'UpdateStockTransactionExternalStatus/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed.Please use the request path for 'UpdateStockTransactionExternalStatus'
POST /api/Stock/UpdateStockTransactionExternalStatus/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
You can update stock quantities.
CostPrice The ExternalSystemGuid(API key), Company, either ArticleGuid or ArticleNo and StockGuid or StockNo are mandatory and should always be included in the request. The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary.
Remember that this call will change(overwrite) the amount on stock. This also means that on a call where you update stock inventory for a serial number required article you must include all the serial numbers that is on stock and set the QuantityOnStock to the corresponding number. Any serial numbers that not are in the request will be removed from stock.
The request path for 'UpdateStockInventory/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateStockInventory'
POST /api/Stock/UpdateStockInventory
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
You can update stock quantities.
CostPrice The ExternalSystemGuid(API key), Company, either ArticleGuid or ArticleNo and StockGuid or StockNo are mandatory and should always be included in the request. The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary.
Remember that this call will change(overwrite) the amount on stock. This also means that on a call where you update stock inventory for a serial number required article you must include all the serial numbers that is on stock and set the QuantityOnStock to the corresponding number. Any serial numbers that not are in the request will be removed from stock.
The request path for 'UpdateStockInventory/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateStockInventory'
POST /api/Stock/UpdateStockInventory/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to verify that you can connect to the supplier order api
GET /api/SupplierOrder/Echo/{echoText}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*echoText | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string |
Use this method to export supplier orders from Evatic. Filter your search by using search criteria in the request body.
You can search for supplier order information by a combination of criteria in the request json.
The ExternalSystemGuid(API key) and Company are mandatory and should always be included in the request.The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary.
All fields that are used for filtering must have the complete information it is not possible to search with wildcards.If you don't want to filter on a field you can omit it or set it blank.
In the request, set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run.
Then run the request in a loop until all rows have been fetched, increasing the Skip value by the number of fetched rows for each run, the Take value should be unchanged throughout.
If you set the Take value to 0, or don't add QueryPagingInfo, all rows will be fetched in one run, no loop required.But the response may take a long time, and possibly time out if the number of returned rows is large.
NB! After export, run UpdateSupplierOrderStatus with status 'E' on each exported header, to set the order statuses to Exported. This will prevent fetching the same orders again on future exports. Also consider if it is necessary to run UpdateSupplierInvoiceStatus.
The request path for 'GetSupplierOrders/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetSupplierOrders'
POST /api/SupplierOrder/GetSupplierOrders
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to export supplier orders from Evatic. Filter your search by using search criteria in the request body.
You can search for supplier order information by a combination of criteria in the request json.
The ExternalSystemGuid(API key) and Company are mandatory and should always be included in the request.The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary.
All fields that are used for filtering must have the complete information it is not possible to search with wildcards.If you don't want to filter on a field you can omit it or set it blank.
In the request, set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run.
Then run the request in a loop until all rows have been fetched, increasing the Skip value by the number of fetched rows for each run, the Take value should be unchanged throughout.
If you set the Take value to 0, or don't add QueryPagingInfo, all rows will be fetched in one run, no loop required.But the response may take a long time, and possibly time out if the number of returned rows is large.
NB! After export, run UpdateSupplierOrderStatus with status 'E' on each exported header, to set the order statuses to Exported. This will prevent fetching the same orders again on future exports. Also consider if it is necessary to run UpdateSupplierInvoiceStatus.
The request path for 'GetSupplierOrders/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'GetSupplierOrders'
POST /api/SupplierOrder/GetSupplierOrders/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to update supplier order status on the specified supplier order in Evatic.
Note: ExternalSystemGuid, SupplierOrderGuid and Status are required fields.
Valid status values are "O" = StatusOpen (the letter O, not zero) or "F" = StatusFinished, or "E" = StatusExported.
If the Order cannot be updated as it does not exist, an Unsuccessful request - (HTTP response status 400) will be returned
The request path for 'UpdateSupplierOrderStatus/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateSupplierOrderStatus'
POST /api/SupplierOrder/UpdateSupplierOrderStatus
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to update supplier order status on the specified supplier order in Evatic.
Note: ExternalSystemGuid, SupplierOrderGuid and Status are required fields.
Valid status values are "O" = StatusOpen (the letter O, not zero) or "F" = StatusFinished, or "E" = StatusExported.
If the Order cannot be updated as it does not exist, an Unsuccessful request - (HTTP response status 400) will be returned
The request path for 'UpdateSupplierOrderStatus/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateSupplierOrderStatus'
POST /api/SupplierOrder/UpdateSupplierOrderStatus/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to update supplier order lines with parts received in Evatic.
All fields will normally be used in a request. BinLocation and SerialNo is only used for serial number tracked parts.
When you receive serial number tracked parts you can only receive 1 ("QtyReceived": 1) per request.
The request path for 'UpdateSupplierOrderLinePartReceived/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateSupplierOrderLinePartReceived'
POST /api/SupplierOrder/UpdateSupplierOrderLinePartReceived
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to update supplier order lines with parts received in Evatic.
All fields will normally be used in a request. BinLocation and SerialNo is only used for serial number tracked parts.
When you receive serial number tracked parts you can only receive 1 ("QtyReceived": 1) per request.
The request path for 'UpdateSupplierOrderLinePartReceived/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateSupplierOrderLinePartReceived'
POST /api/SupplierOrder/UpdateSupplierOrderLinePartReceived/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to update supplier order number in Evatic.
Note: ExternalSystemGuid and OrderGuid are required fields.
The request path for 'UpdateSupplierOrderNo/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateSupplierOrderNo'
POST /api/SupplierOrder/UpdateSupplierOrderNo
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to update supplier order number in Evatic.
Note: ExternalSystemGuid and OrderGuid are required fields.
The request path for 'UpdateSupplierOrderNo/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateSupplierOrderNo'
POST /api/SupplierOrder/UpdateSupplierOrderNo/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to create a new supplier invoice connected to a supplier order in Evatic.
Provide api key (ExternalSystemGuid), company, invoice number and guids for supplier and supplier order.
You must also add the Invoice date and the information for the lines you want to create an invoice for.
The request path for 'CreateSupplierInvoice/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CreateSupplierInvoice'
POST /api/SupplierOrder/CreateSupplierInvoice
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
201 |
400 |
Use this method to create a new supplier invoice connected to a supplier order in Evatic.
Provide api key (ExternalSystemGuid), company, invoice number and guids for supplier and supplier order.
You must also add the Invoice date and the information for the lines you want to create an invoice for.
The request path for 'CreateSupplierInvoice/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'CreateSupplierInvoice'
POST /api/SupplierOrder/CreateSupplierInvoice/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
201 |
400 |
Use this method to update the status on a single supplier invoice in Evatic. Specify which invoice in the request bodyProvide api key (ExternalSystemGuid), company, invoice number and guids for supplier and supplier order.
If you don't add a company, the selected company for the integration will be used. The other 4 fields are mandatory. Valid status values are "O" = StatusOpen (the letter O, not zero) or "F" = StatusFinished, or "E" = Exported.
If you add any other value, or don't add a value, the status will default to "O".
The request path for 'UpdateSupplierInvoiceStatus/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateSupplierInvoiceStatus'
POST /api/SupplierOrder/UpdateSupplierInvoiceStatus
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string | ||
400 |
Use this method to update the status on a single supplier invoice in Evatic. Specify which invoice in the request bodyProvide api key (ExternalSystemGuid), company, invoice number and guids for supplier and supplier order.
If you don't add a company, the selected company for the integration will be used. The other 4 fields are mandatory. Valid status values are "O" = StatusOpen (the letter O, not zero) or "F" = StatusFinished, or "E" = Exported.
If you add any other value, or don't add a value, the status will default to "O".
The request path for 'UpdateSupplierInvoiceStatus/{id}' is now deprecated. It is kept for backward compatibility, and will be removed in Q3 2021. Please use the request path for 'UpdateSupplierInvoiceStatus'
POST /api/SupplierOrder/UpdateSupplierInvoiceStatus/{id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string | ||
400 |
Use this method to get/export supplier invoices from Evatic, filtered on a collection of criteria. Can be run as a batched query.
You can search for supplier order information by a combination of criteria in the request json.
The ExternalSystemGuid(API key) and Company are mandatory and should always be included in the request.The other criteria can be added or omitted as necessary.
All fields that are used for filtering must have the complete information it is not possible to search with wildcards.If you don't want to filter on a field you can omit it or set it blank.
NB! After export, run UpdateSupplierInvoiceStatus with status 'E' on each exported header, to set the invoice statuses to Exported. This will prevent fetching the same invoices again on future exports. Also consider running UpdateSupplierOrderStatus
In the request, set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run.
Then run the request in a loop until all rows have been fetched, increasing the Skip value by the number of fetched rows for each run, the Take value should be unchanged throughout.
If you set the Take value to 0, or don't add QueryPagingInfo, all rows will be fetched in one run, no loop required.But the response may take a long time, and possibly time out if the number of returned rows is large.
POST /api/SupplierOrder/GetSupplierInvoices
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
id | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Other APIs
Use this method to verify that you can connect to the ECMM api
GET /api/ecmm/Echo/{echoText}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*echoText | path |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string |
Use this method to import devices into the ECMM system for your 3. party integration.
The ExternalSystemGuid(API key), ExternalSystemId and ExternalDeviceId are mandatory and must be included in the request.
POST /api/ecmm/SaveDevicesWithMinimumData
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
data | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
Use this method to import meter readings and consumable levels into the ECMM system for your 3. party integration.
The ExternalSystemGuid(API key), ExternalSystemId and ExternalDeviceId are mandatory and must be included in the request.
POST /api/ecmm/SaveMeterAndConsumablesReadings
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
data | body |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
400 |
The Request Body for searching for an article
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | The External System Guid |
Company | string | The Company Name/Number in the system |
ArticleNo | string | The article no |
ArticleDescription | string | The Article Description |
ArticleSearchName | string | Article Search Name |
SortGroupCode1 | string | Article sort group first code |
LastDateSavedFrom | string (date-time) | Article Last saved date lower boundry |
QueryPagingInfo |
Query paging info, to get data in batches. Set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run. |
Query paging info, to get data in batches. Set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run.
Then run the request in a loop until all rows have been fetched, increasing the Skip value for each run,
the Take value should be unchanged throughout.
If you set the Take value to 0, or don't add QueryPagingInfo, all rows will be fetched in one run, no loop required.
But the response may take a long time, and possibly time out if the number of returned rows is large.
NB! the paging feature is not yet implemented on all Get-methods.
Name | Type | Notes |
Take | integer (int32) | Numbers of Rows to Take for Paging |
Skip | integer (int32) | Numbers of Rows to Skip for paging |
Name | Type | Notes |
Articles |
List of Evatic Articles |
PageNumber | integer (int32) | Response Page Number |
ArticleFetchedRows | integer (int32) | Response Fetched Rows |
ArticleTotalRows | integer (int32) | Articles Total Rows Available for fetching |
List of Evatic Articles
Name | Type | Notes |
RowId | integer (int32) | DB ROW_ID (Primary key) |
Company | string | DB COMPANY |
ArticleNo | string | DB ARTICLE_NO |
ArticleSearchname | string | DB ARTICLE_SEARCHNAME |
ArticleDescription | string | DB ARTICLE_DESCRIPTION |
ArticleInfo | string | DB ARTICLE_INFO |
Unit | string | DB UNIT |
UnitDescription | string | DB UNIT_DESCRIPTION |
VatCode | number (decimal) | DB VAT_CODE |
ArticleStatus | string | DB ARTICLE_STATUS |
Sortgroup1 | string | DB SORTGROUP_1 |
Sortgroup1Text | string | DB SORTGROUP_1_TEXT |
Sortgroup2 | string | DB SORTGROUP_2 |
Sortgroup2Text | string | DB SORTGROUP_2_TEXT |
Sortgroup3 | string | DB SORTGROUP_3 |
Sortgroup3Text | string | DB SORTGROUP_3_TEXT |
Sortgroup4 | string | DB SORTGROUP_4 |
Sortgroup4Text | string | DB SORTGROUP_4_TEXT |
Sortgroup5 | string | DB SORTGROUP_5 |
Sortgroup5Text | string | DB SORTGROUP_5_TEXT |
SupplierNo | string | DB SUPPLIER_NO |
SupplierName | string | DB SUPPLIER_NAME |
ArticleNoSupplier | string | DB ARTICLE_NO_SUPPLIER |
AccountNo | string | DB ACCOUNT_NO |
SupplierCostPrice | number (decimal) | DB SUPPLIER_COST_PRICE |
CostPrice | number (decimal) | DB COST_PRICE |
SalesPrice1 | number (decimal) | DB SALES_PRICE_1 |
SalesPrice2 | number (decimal) | DB SALES_PRICE_2 |
SalesPrice3 | number (decimal) | DB SALES_PRICE_3 |
SalesPrice4 | number (decimal) | DB SALES_PRICE_4 |
SalesPrice5 | number (decimal) | DB SALES_PRICE_5 |
StockTracking | string | DB STOCK_TRACKING |
CostGroup | number (decimal) | DB COST_GROUP |
EanNo | string | DB EAN_NO |
SerialNo | integer (int32) | DB SERIAL_NO |
ObjDate | string (date-time) | DB OBJ_DATE |
Username | string | DB USERNAME |
RegisterTimestamp | string (date-time) | DB REGISTER_TIMESTAMP |
ProcessingStatus |
Enums for processing status
ProcessingInformation | string | DB PROCESSING_INFORMATION |
ProcessingTimestamp | string (date-time) | DB PROCESSING_TIMESTAMP |
UseInMobile | string | DB USE_IN_MOBILE |
TransactionGuid | string (guid) | DB TRANSACTION_GUID |
SupplierArticleNo | string | DB SUPPLIER_ARTICLE_NO |
TransactionId | integer (int32) | DB TRANSACTION_ID |
StockAccountNo | string | DB STOCK_ACCOUNT_NO |
CostPriceDiscount1 | number (decimal) | DB DISCOUNT_COST_PRICE |
CostPriceDiscount2 | number (decimal) | DB DISCOUNT_COST_PRICE2 |
SupplierCostListPrice | number (decimal) | DB SUPPLIER_COST_LIST_PRICE |
CostListPrice | number (decimal) | DB COST_LIST_PRICE |
PurchaseAccountNo | string | DB ACCOUNT_NO_PURCHASE |
Enums for processing status
- 0 = Waiting
- 1 = Processing
- 2 = Processed
- 3 = Error
- 4 = NotProcessed
Enum Values
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | API Required field |
Company | string | DB COMPANY |
ArticleNo | string | DB ARTICLE_NO |
ArticleSearchname | string | DB ARTICLE_SEARCHNAME |
ArticleDescription | string | DB ARTICLE_DESCRIPTION |
ArticleInfo | string | DB ARTICLE_INFO |
Unit | string | DB UNIT |
UnitDescription | string | DB UNIT_DESCRIPTION |
VatCode | number (decimal) | DB VAT_CODE |
ArticleStatus |
Article status
Sortgroup1 | string | DB SORTGROUP_1 |
Sortgroup1Text | string | DB SORTGROUP_1_TEXT |
Sortgroup2 | string | DB SORTGROUP_2 |
Sortgroup2Text | string | DB SORTGROUP_2_TEXT |
Sortgroup3 | string | DB SORTGROUP_3 |
Sortgroup3Text | string | DB SORTGROUP_3_TEXT |
Sortgroup4 | string | DB SORTGROUP_4 |
Sortgroup4Text | string | DB SORTGROUP_4_TEXT |
Sortgroup5 | string | DB SORTGROUP_5 |
Sortgroup5Text | string | DB SORTGROUP_5_TEXT |
SupplierNo | string | DB SUPPLIER_NO |
SupplierName | string | DB SUPPLIER_NAME |
ArticleNoSupplier | string | DB ARTICLE_NO_SUPPLIER |
AccountNo | string | DB ACCOUNT_NO |
SupplierCostPrice | number (decimal) | DB SUPPLIER_COST_PRICE |
CostPrice | number (decimal) | DB COST_PRICE |
SalesPrice1 | number (decimal) | DB SALES_PRICE_1 |
SalesPrice2 | number (decimal) | DB SALES_PRICE_2 |
SalesPrice3 | number (decimal) | DB SALES_PRICE_3 |
SalesPrice4 | number (decimal) | DB SALES_PRICE_4 |
SalesPrice5 | number (decimal) | DB SALES_PRICE_5 |
StockTracking | string | DB STOCK_TRACKING |
CostGroup | number (decimal) | DB COST_GROUP |
EanNo | string | DB EAN_NO |
SerialNo | integer (int32) | DB SERIAL_NO |
UseInMobile | string | DB USE_IN_MOBILE |
StockAccountNo | string | DB STOCK_ACCOUNT_NO |
CostPriceDiscount1 | number (decimal) | DB DISCOUNT_COST_PRICE |
CostPriceDiscount2 | number (decimal) | DB DISCOUNT_COST_PRICE2 |
SupplierCostListPrice | number (decimal) | DB SUPPLIER_COST_LIST_PRICE |
CostListPrice | number (decimal) | DB COST_LIST_PRICE |
PurchaseAccountNo | string | DB ACCOUNT_NO_PURCHASE |
Article status
- 0 = Inactive
- 1 = Active
Enum Values
Name | Type | Notes |
ArticleSearchname | string | |
ArticleDescription | string | |
ArticleInfo | string | |
Unit | string | |
UnitDescription | string | |
VatCode | number (decimal) | |
ArticleStatus |
Article status
Sortgroup1 | string | |
Sortgroup1Text | string | |
Sortgroup2 | string | |
Sortgroup2Text | string | |
Sortgroup3 | string | |
Sortgroup3Text | string | |
Sortgroup4 | string | |
Sortgroup4Text | string | |
Sortgroup5 | string | |
Sortgroup5Text | string | |
SupplierNo | string | |
SupplierName | string | |
ArticleNoSupplier | string | |
AccountNo | string | |
SupplierCostPrice | number (decimal) | |
CostPrice | number (decimal) | |
SalesPrice1 | number (decimal) | |
SalesPrice2 | number (decimal) | |
SalesPrice3 | number (decimal) | |
SalesPrice4 | number (decimal) | |
SalesPrice5 | number (decimal) | |
StockTracking | string | |
CostGroup | number (decimal) | |
EanNo | string | |
SerialNo | integer (int32) | |
UseInMobile | string | |
StockAccountNo | string | |
CostPriceDiscount1 | number (decimal) | |
CostPriceDiscount2 | number (decimal) | |
SupplierCostListPrice | number (decimal) | |
CostListPrice | number (decimal) | |
PurchaseAccountNo | string | |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | |
Company | string | |
ArticleNo | string |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | Guid Representing External System |
CustomerNo | string | Number of the Customer |
Company | string | Company Number/Name |
Name | Type | Notes |
ContactGuid | string (guid) | Unique identifier for the contact |
ContactNo | integer (int32) | Contact Number |
ContactCode | string | Contact Code |
ContactName | string | Contact Name |
FirstName | string | First Name |
LastName | string | Last Name |
JobTitle | string | Contact Job Title |
Phone | string | Contact pjone number |
Mobile | string | Contact mobile number |
Fax | string | Contact fax number |
Email1 | string | Contact first email |
Email2 | string | contact second email |
MainContact | string | Main Contact person for suggestion when creating a new project |
Username | string | Contact User Name |
Title | string | Contact Title |
ContactInfo | string | Contact info |
Birthday | string (date-time) | Contact Birthday |
SirTitle | string | Contact Title |
LetterTitle | string | Contact Letter Title |
ContactNotes | string | Contact Notes |
ContactId | string | Contact Id |
ContactStatus | boolean | Contact Status |
ExternalSystemKey | string | External System Key |
AddressRow | integer (int32) | Contact Address Row "Optional" |
WebAccess | boolean | Bool value to enable/disable Web Access |
WebPassword | string | Password for web access |
WebAccessProject | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Project |
WebAccessOrder | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Order |
WebAccessMeterReporting | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Meter Reporting |
WebAccessProjectLog | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Project Logs |
WebAccessOrderLog | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Order Logs |
WebAccessSupport | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Support |
WebAccessSupportLog | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Support Logs |
WebAccessMachine | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Machine |
WebAccessContact | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Contact |
WebAccessOnlyOwn | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Only Own |
Name | Type | Notes |
ContactName | string | |
Email1 | string | |
Email2 | string | |
JobTitle | string | |
Phone | string | |
Fax | string | |
Mobile | string | |
FirstName | string | |
LastName | string | |
Title | string | |
Username | string | |
ContactInfo | string | |
Birthday | string (date-time) | |
SirTitle | string | |
LetterTitle | string | |
AddressRow | integer (int32) | |
ContactId | string | |
ContactStatus | boolean | |
ExternalSystemKey | string | |
WebAccess | boolean | Bool value to enable/disable Web Access |
WebAccessProject | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Project |
WebAccessOrder | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Order |
WebAccessMeterReporting | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Meter Reporting |
WebAccessProjectLog | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Project Logs |
WebAccessOrderLog | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Order Logs |
WebAccessSupport | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Support |
WebAccessSupportLog | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Support Logs |
WebAccessMachine | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Machine |
WebAccessContact | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Contact |
WebAccessOnlyOwn | boolean | Enable/Disable Web Access Only Own |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | |
Company | string | |
ContactCode | string | |
ContactGuid | string (guid) | |
ContactNo | integer (int32) |
Name | Type | Notes |
ContractValidFrom | string (date-time) | Contract Valid Date range lower boundry |
ContractActiveUntil | string (date-time) | Contract Valid Date Range upper boundry |
Description | string | Contract description |
ContractCode | string | Contract Code |
Name | Type | Notes |
Guid | string (guid) | |
Type | string | |
Description | string | |
CalcMethod | string | |
ContractTypeCode | string | |
ContractTypeDescription | string | |
InfoIncluded | string | |
InfoExcluded | string | |
Models |
FixedPrices |
Meters |
Name | Type | Notes |
ModelGuid | string (guid) | |
ModelType | string | |
ModelDescription | string |
Name | Type | Notes |
ArticleGuid | string (guid) | |
ArticleNo | string | |
ArticleDescription | string | |
InvoiceFrequency | integer (int32) | |
DefaultPrice | boolean |
Name | Type | Notes |
MeterGuid | string (guid) | |
MeterType | string | |
Volume | number (decimal) | |
PriceMR | number (decimal) | |
PricePV | number (decimal) |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | |
Company | string | |
Dept | string | |
MachineGuid | string (guid) | |
TemplateGuid | string (guid) | |
StartDate | string (date-time) | |
AddressRowNoInvoice | integer (int32) | |
PeriodVolume | boolean | |
Contact | string | |
InvoiceCustomerGuid | string (guid) | |
DeliveryCustomerGuid | string (guid) | |
AddressRowNoDelivery | integer (int32) | |
ContractGuid | string (guid) | |
ContractNo | string | |
FixedPrices |
Meters |
Name | Type | Notes |
ArticleGuid | string (guid) | |
Price | number (decimal) |
Name | Type | Notes |
MeterGuid | string (guid) | |
Price | number (decimal) | |
PriceMr | number (decimal) | |
Volume | number (decimal) | |
VirtualMeter | boolean |
Name | Type | Notes |
Code | string | |
Rate | number (decimal) | |
Company | string | |
OldCode | string | |
ObjDate | string (date-time) | |
User | string |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | External System Guid |
Company | string | Customer's Company |
CurrencyCode | string | Currency code |
ExchangeRate | number (decimal) | Currency exchange rate |
OldCurrencyCode | string | OldCurrency code |
Name | Type | Notes |
CustomerGuid | string (guid) | Unique Identifier for Cusomer |
CustomerNo | string | Customer Number |
Name | string | Customer Name |
Company | string | Customer's Company |
InvoiceAddress | string | Customer's Invoice Address |
IsOpenForInvoice | boolean | Check if customer is open for invoice |
VatCode | string | Customer's VAT code |
OrgNo | string | Customer's Organization Number |
TinyInvoiceAddress |
Tiny Address Object |
Tiny Address Object
Name | Type | Notes |
Name | string | Address Name |
AddressCode | string | Address Code |
Address1 | string | Address Line 1 |
Address2 | string | Address Line 2 |
Address3 | string | Address Line 3 |
PostalCode | string | Address Postal Code |
PostalDescription | string | Address Postal description |
Country | string | Address Country |
CountryName | string | Address Country Name |
AreaCode | string | Address Area Code |
Fax | string | Address Fax Number |
Phone | string | Address Phone Number |
RowNo | number (decimal) | Address Row number |
AreaGuid | string (guid) | Address Area Guid |
TimezoneId | integer (int32) | Address TimeZone Id |
TimezoneName | string | Address TimeZone Name |
ExternalSystemKey | string | Address External System Key |
InvoiceAsEmail | boolean | Check if Email invoices are enabled/disabled |
InvoiceAsEmailAddress | string | Email address to be used if email invoicing is enabled |
Name | Type | Notes |
Name | string | Department Name |
DepartmentNo | string | Department Number |
Name | Type | Notes |
Number | string | Country Number |
Name | string | Country Name |
Name | Type | Notes |
Company | string | Customer's Company |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | Customer's External System Guid |
SearchName | string | To search a customer by Name |
DepartmentLitmit | string | limit the departments to search in |
CustomerLink | string | Customer's Link |
SalesmanCode | string | Salesman Code |
QueryPagingInfo |
Query paging info, to get data in batches. Set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run. |
Name | Type | Notes |
CustomerNo | string | Customer's number |
CustomerName | string | Customer's name |
CustomerGuid | string (guid) | Customer's guid |
PostalDescription | string | Description of postal code |
Company | string | Customer's Company |
InvoiceAddress | string | Invoice address (all fields as string) |
IsOpenForInvoice | boolean | Is the customer open for invoicing |
VatCode | string | Customer's vat code |
TinyInvoiceAddress | Customer's address information |
OrgNo | string | Customer's organization number |
CreditTermCode | string | Customer's Credit Term Code |
CreditTermDescription | string | Customer's Company |
CreditDays | integer (int32) | Customer's Credit Days |
CreditLimit | number (double) | Customer's Credit Limit |
DeliveryTermCode | string | Customer's Delivery Term Code |
DeliveryTermDescription | string | Customer's Delivery Term Description |
MeansOfDeliveryCode | string | Customer's Means of Delivery Code |
MeansOfDeliveryDescription | string | Customer's Means of Delivery Description |
string | Customer's main email address |
SearchName | string | Customer's Search Name |
SortGroup1 | string | Customer's Sort Group 1 |
SortGroup1Text | string | Customer's Sort Group 1 Text |
SortGroup2 | string | Customer's Sort Group 2 |
SortGroup2Text | string | Customer's Sort Group 2 Text |
SortGroup3 | string | customer's Sort Group 3 |
SortGroup3Text | string | customer's Sort Group 3 Text |
SortGroup4 | string | customer's Sort Group 4 |
SortGroup4Text | string | customer's Sort Group 4 Texts |
SortGroup5 | string | customer's Sort Group 5 |
SortGroup5Text | string | customer's Sort Group 5 Text |
FixedDiscount | number (double) | Customer's fixed discounts |
InvoiceTax | number (double) | Customer's Invoice Tax |
SalesManCode | string | Customer's Sales Man Code |
SalesManName | string | Customer's Sales Man Name |
BankID | string | Customer's Bank Id |
BankName | string | Customer's Bank Name |
BankAccountNo | string | Customer's Bank Account No |
HTTP | string | Link to the Customer Website |
PriceList | string | Customer's Price List |
CalculateVat | boolean | check to calculate Vat for customer |
UseInvoiceFee | boolean | check to use invoice fee for customer |
CalculateInterest | boolean | check to calculate interest for customer |
Status |
ExternalSystemKey | string | Customer's External system Key |
Information | string | Customer's Information |
TimeZoneId | integer (int32) | Customer's Time Zone Id |
CustomerReference | string | Customer's reference |
VisitAddress | string | Visit address (all fields as string) |
DeliveryAddress | string | Delivery address (all fields as string) |
LetterAddress | string | Letter address (all fields as string) |
TinyVisitAddress | Customer's visit address information |
TinyDeliveryAddress | Customer's delivery address information |
TinyLetterAddress | Customer's letter address information |
Enum Values
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | Externam System Gui |
Company | string | Customer's Company |
Department | string | Customer's Department |
CustomerName | string | Customer's Name |
CustomerNo | string | Customer's Number |
CreditTermCode | string | Customer's Credit Term Code |
CreditTermDescription | string | Customer's Company |
CreditDays | integer (int32) | Customer's Credit Days |
CreditLimit | number (double) | Customer's Credit Limit |
DeliveryTermCode | string | Customer's Delivery Term Code |
DeliveryTermDescription | string | Customer's Delivery Term Description |
MeansOfDeliveryCode | string | Customer's Means of Delivery Code |
MeansOfDeliveryDescription | string | Customer's Means of Delivery Description |
string | Customer's main email address |
OpenForInvoice | boolean | Check if customer is open for Invoice |
SearchName | string | Customer's Search Name |
SortGroup1 | string | Customer's Sort Group 1 |
SortGroup1Text | string | Customer's Sort Group 1 Text |
SortGroup2 | string | Customer's Sort Group 2 |
SortGroup2Text | string | Customer's Sort Group 2 Text |
SortGroup3 | string | customer's Sort Group 3 |
SortGroup3Text | string | customer's Sort Group 3 Text |
SortGroup4 | string | customer's Sort Group 4 |
SortGroup4Text | string | customer's Sort Group 4 Texts |
SortGroup5 | string | customer's Sort Group 5 |
SortGroup5Text | string | customer's Sort Group 5 Text |
FixedDiscount | number (double) | Customer's fixed discounts |
InvoiceTax | number (double) | Customer's Invoice Tax |
SalesManCode | string | Customer's Sales Man Code |
SalesManName | string | Customer's Sales Man Name |
BankID | string | Customer's Bank Id |
BankName | string | Customer's Bank Name |
BankAccountNo | string | Customer's Bank Account No |
HTTP | string | Link to the Customer Website |
OrganizationNo | string | Customer's Organization Number |
PriceList | string | Customer's Price List |
CalculateVat | boolean | check to calculate Vat for customer |
UseInvoiceFee | boolean | check to use invoice fee for customer |
CalculateInterest | boolean | check to calculate interest for customer |
Status |
ExternalSystemKey | string | Customer's External system Key |
Information | string | Customer's Information |
TimeZoneId | integer (int32) | Customer's Time Zone Id |
CustomerReference | string | Customer's reference |
VatCode | string | Customer's Vat Code |
CustomerAddressDataContract |
List Of Customer Addresses |
List Of Customer Addresses
Name | Type | Notes |
Name | string | Address's Name |
Address1 | string | Address's Line 1 |
Address2 | string | Address's Line 2 |
Address3 | string | Address's Line 3 |
PostalCode | string | Address's Postal Code |
PostalDescription | string | Address's Postal Description |
Country | string | Address's Country |
City | string | Address's City |
Location | string | Address's Location |
TimezoneId | integer (int32) | Evatic Time zone id |
TimezoneName | string | Evatic Time zone name |
CustomerCode | string | |
RowNo | integer (int32) | |
AddressCode | string | |
AddressName | string | |
AddressRow1 | string | |
AddressRow2 | string | |
AddressRow3 | string | |
CountryISOCode | string | |
PostLocation | string | |
AreaCode | string | |
AreaDescription | string | |
PhoneNo | string | |
FaxNo | string | |
UseAsInvoiceAddress |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
UseAsDeliveryAddress |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
UseAsVisitAddress |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
UseAsLetterAddress |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
TravelCode | integer (byte) | |
ExternalReferenceCode | string | |
LastSavedDate | string (date-time) | |
LanguageId | string | |
Company | string | Company's name/number |
CustomerNo | string | Deprecated Don't use this field |
SourceNo | string | Address's Source Number |
Invoice |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
Delivery |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
Visit |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
Letter |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
Post |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
UserName | string | Address's User Name |
ExternalSystemKey | string | Address's External System Key |
BankID | string | Address's Bank Id |
BankName | string | Address's Bank Name |
BankAccountNo | string | Address's Bank Account No |
IBAN | string | Address's IBAN |
BIC | string | Address's BIC |
MandateRefNo | string | Address's Man Date Reference Number |
InvoiceAsEmail | boolean | Check if Invoice to be sent as an email |
InvoiceAsEmailAddress | string | Email Address if Invoice to be sent as an email |
Yes/No/NotSet status
Enum Values
Name | Type | Notes |
Department | string | Customer's Department |
CustomerName | string | Customer's Name |
CreditLimit | number (double) | |
string | Customer's main email address |
OpenForInvoice | boolean | Check if customer is open for Invoice |
SearchName | string | Customer's Search Name |
FixedDiscount | number (double) | Customer's fixed discounts |
InvoiceTax | number (double) | Customer's Invoice Tax |
SalesManCode | string | Customer's Sales Man Code |
SalesManName | string | Customer's Sales Man Name |
BankID | string | Customer's Bank Id |
BankName | string | Customer's Bank Name |
BankAccountNo | string | Customer's Bank Account No |
HTTP | string | Link to the Customer Website |
OrganizationNo | string | Customer's Organization Number |
PriceList | string | Customer's Price List |
CalculateVat | boolean | check to calculate Vat for customer |
UseInvoiceFee | boolean | check to use invoice fee for customer |
CalculateInterest | boolean | check to calculate interest for customer |
Status |
ExternalSystemKey | string | Customer's External system Key |
Information | string | Customer's Information |
VatCode | string | Customer's Vat Code |
CustomerGuid | string (guid) | |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | |
CustomerNo | string | |
Company | string |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | Externam System Gui |
Company | string | Customer's Company |
Department | string | Customer's Department |
CustomerName | string | Customer's Name |
CustomerNo | string | Customer's Number |
CreditTermCode | string | Customer's Credit Term Code |
CreditTermDescription | string | Customer's Company |
CreditDays | integer (int32) | Customer's Credit Days |
CreditLimit | number (double) | Customer's Credit Limit |
DeliveryTermCode | string | Customer's Delivery Term Code |
DeliveryTermDescription | string | Customer's Delivery Term Description |
MeansOfDeliveryCode | string | Customer's Means of Delivery Code |
MeansOfDeliveryDescription | string | Customer's Means of Delivery Description |
string | Customer's main email address |
OpenForInvoice | boolean | Check if customer is open for Invoice |
SearchName | string | Customer's Search Name |
SortGroup1 | string | Customer's Sort Group 1 |
SortGroup1Text | string | Customer's Sort Group 1 Text |
SortGroup2 | string | Customer's Sort Group 2 |
SortGroup2Text | string | Customer's Sort Group 2 Text |
SortGroup3 | string | customer's Sort Group 3 |
SortGroup3Text | string | customer's Sort Group 3 Text |
SortGroup4 | string | customer's Sort Group 4 |
SortGroup4Text | string | customer's Sort Group 4 Texts |
SortGroup5 | string | customer's Sort Group 5 |
SortGroup5Text | string | customer's Sort Group 5 Text |
FixedDiscount | number (double) | Customer's fixed discounts |
InvoiceTax | number (double) | Customer's Invoice Tax |
SalesManCode | string | Customer's Sales Man Code |
SalesManName | string | Customer's Sales Man Name |
BankID | string | Customer's Bank Id |
BankName | string | Customer's Bank Name |
BankAccountNo | string | Customer's Bank Account No |
HTTP | string | Link to the Customer Website |
OrganizationNo | string | Customer's Organization Number |
PriceList | string | Customer's Price List |
CalculateVat | boolean | check to calculate Vat for customer |
UseInvoiceFee | boolean | check to use invoice fee for customer |
CalculateInterest | boolean | check to calculate interest for customer |
Status |
ExternalSystemKey | string | Customer's External system Key |
Information | string | Customer's Information |
TimeZoneId | integer (int32) | Customer's Time Zone Id |
CustomerReference | string | Customer's reference |
VatCode | string | Customer's Vat Code |
CustomerAddressPatchDataContract |
List Of Customer Addresses |
List Of Customer Addresses
Name | Type | Notes |
Name | string | Address's Name |
Address1 | string | Address's Line 1 |
Address2 | string | Address's Line 2 |
Address3 | string | Address's Line 3 |
PostalCode | string | Address's Postal Code |
PostalDescription | string | Address's Postal Description |
Country | string | Address's Country |
City | string | Address's City |
Location | string | Address's Location |
TimezoneId | integer (int32) | Evatic Time zone id |
TimezoneName | string | Evatic Time zone name |
CustomerCode | string | |
RowNo | integer (int32) | |
AddressCode | string | |
AddressName | string | |
AddressRow1 | string | |
AddressRow2 | string | |
AddressRow3 | string | |
CountryISOCode | string | |
PostLocation | string | |
AreaCode | string | |
AreaDescription | string | |
PhoneNo | string | |
FaxNo | string | |
UseAsInvoiceAddress |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
UseAsDeliveryAddress |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
UseAsVisitAddress |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
UseAsLetterAddress |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
TravelCode | integer (byte) | |
ExternalReferenceCode | string | |
LastSavedDate | string (date-time) | |
LanguageId | string | |
Company | string | Company's name/number |
SourceNo | string | Address's Source Number |
Invoice |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
Delivery |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
Visit |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
Letter |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
Post |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
UserName | string | Address's User Name |
ExternalSystemKey | string | Address's External System Key |
BankID | string | Address's Bank Id |
BankName | string | Address's Bank Name |
BankAccountNo | string | Address's Bank Account No |
IBAN | string | Address's IBAN |
BIC | string | Address's BIC |
MandateRefNo | string | Address's Man Date Reference Number |
InvoiceAsEmail | boolean | Check if Invoice to be sent as an email |
InvoiceAsEmailAddress | string | Email Address if Invoice to be sent as an email |
Name | Type | Notes |
Company | string | Address's Company |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | Addresss's External System Guid |
SearchName | string | Address's Search Name |
DepartmentLitmit | string | Address's Department Limit |
CustomerLink | string | Address's Customer Link |
ExternalSystemKey | string | Address's External System Key |
CustomerNo | string | Address's Customer Number |
AddressRowNo | integer (int32) | Address's Row Number |
QueryPagingInfo |
Query paging info, to get data in batches. Set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run. |
Name | Type | Notes |
Addresses |
List Of Addresses |
PageNumber | integer (int32) | Response Page Number |
AddressesFetchedRows | integer (int32) | Number of Rows Of Addresses Fetched |
AddressesTotalRows | integer (int32) | Number of All Relative Addresses Rows |
Name | Type | Notes |
DocumentGuid | string (guid) | |
SourceGuid | string (guid) | |
Title | string | |
Type | string | |
Date | string (date-time) | |
Size | number (decimal) | |
UseInMobile | boolean | |
UseInMeterReadingLetter | boolean | |
InfoCheckBox01 | boolean | |
InfoCheckBox02 | boolean | |
InfoCheckBox03 | boolean | |
InfoCheckBox04 | boolean | |
InfoCheckBox05 | boolean | |
DocumentSize | number (decimal) | |
File | string (byte) | |
DateCreated | string (date-time) |
Name | Type | Notes |
DocumentGuid | string (guid) | |
SourceGuid | string (guid) | |
Title | string | |
Type | string | |
DocumentSize | number (decimal) | |
File | string (byte) | |
DateCreated | string (date-time) |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | |
DocumentTitle | string | |
DocumentType | string | |
FilterOnDocumentType | integer (int32) | |
DocumentObjNo | string | |
DocumentSourceOrderNo | string | |
DocumentSourceProjectNo | string | |
DocumentSourceProjectTaskNo | integer (int32) | |
DocumentSourceMachineNo | string | |
DocumentSourceContractNo | string | |
DocumentSourceSupportNo | string | |
DocumentSourceModelType | string | |
DateCreatedFrom | string (date-time) | |
DateCreatedTo | string (date-time) | |
QueryPagingInfo |
Query paging info, to get data in batches. Set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run. |
Name | Type | Notes |
MachineId | string (guid) | |
Dept | string | |
MachineNo | string | |
ModelGuid | string (guid) | |
ModelType | string | |
CustomerGuid | string (guid) | |
CustomerNo | string | |
AddressRowNo | number (decimal) | |
Location | string | |
AddressPhone | string | |
AddressFax | string | |
InstallationDate | string (date-time) | |
Node | string | |
SortGroup1 | string | |
SortGroup2 | string | |
SortGroup3 | string | |
SortGroup4 | string | |
SortGroup5 | string | |
Active | boolean | |
Information | string | |
InformationAlwaysOn | boolean | |
InvoiceReference | string | |
ServiceCode | string | |
OpenForInvoice | boolean | |
UserName | string | |
ChangedDate | string (date-time) | |
CustomerDeliveryGuid | string (guid) | |
CustomerDeliveryNo | string | |
DeliveryAddressRowNo | number (decimal) | |
CustomerInvoiceGuid | string (guid) | |
CustomerInvoiceNo | string | |
InvoiceAddressRowNo | number (decimal) | |
TechnicianGuid | string (guid) | |
TechnicianNo | string | |
CustomerResponsibleGuid | string (guid) | |
CustomerResponsibleNo | string | |
WarrantyDate | string (date-time) |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | |
ObjNo | string (guid) | |
MachineNo | string | |
ModelType | string | |
Active | boolean | |
Dept | string | |
Location | string | |
CustomerNo | string | |
CustomerName | string | |
InstallDateFrom | string (date-time) | |
InstallDateTo | string (date-time) | |
DateCreatedTo | string (date-time) | |
QueryPagingInfo |
Query paging info, to get data in batches. Set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run. |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | |
Company | string | |
MachineGuid | string (guid) | |
Dept | string | |
MachineNo | string | |
ModelGuid | string (guid) | |
ModelType | string | |
CustomerGuid | string (guid) | |
CustomerNo | string | |
AddressRowNo | number (decimal) | |
Location | string | |
AddressPhone | string | |
AddressFax | string | |
InstallationDate | string (date-time) | |
Node | string | |
SortGroup1 | string | |
SortGroup2 | string | |
SortGroup3 | string | |
SortGroup4 | string | |
SortGroup5 | string | |
Active | boolean | |
Information | string | |
InformationAlwaysOn | boolean | |
InvoiceReference | string | |
ServiceCode | string | |
OpenForInvoice | boolean | |
UserName | string | |
CustomerDeliveryGuid | string (guid) | |
CustomerDeliveryNo | string | |
DeliveryAddressRowNo | number (decimal) | |
CustomerInvoiceGuid | string (guid) | |
InvoiceAddressRowNo | number (decimal) | |
TechnicianGuid | string (guid) | |
TechnicianNo | string | |
CustomerResponsibleGuid | string (guid) | |
WarrantyDate | string (date-time) |
Name | Type | Notes |
Dept | string | |
MachineNo | string | |
ModelGuid | string (guid) | |
CustomerGuid | string (guid) | |
AddressRowNo | integer (int32) | |
Location | string | |
AddressPhone | string | |
AddressFax | string | |
InstallationDate | string (date-time) | |
Node | string | |
SortGroup1 | string | |
SortGroup2 | string | |
SortGroup3 | string | |
SortGroup4 | string | |
SortGroup5 | string | |
Active | boolean | |
Information | string | |
InformationAlwaysOn | boolean | |
InvoiceReference | string | |
ServiceCode | string | |
MachineId | integer (int32) | |
OpenForInvoice | boolean | |
LoggedInUser | string | |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) |
Name | Type | Notes |
MachineNo | string | Machine number |
IdNo | integer (int32) | Id number |
Location | string | Location |
AddressRowNo | integer (int32) | Address row number |
Information | string | Information |
ModelGuid | string (guid) | Model guid |
MachineGuid | string (guid) | Machine guid |
InstallationDate | string (date-time) | Installation date |
ModelType | string | Model type |
Name | Type | Notes |
MachineNo | string | Machine number |
ModelType | string | Model type |
MachineGuid | string (guid) | Machine guid |
CustomerGuid | string (guid) | Customer guid |
CustomerName | string | Customer name |
Name | string | Name (not used) |
IdNo | number (decimal) | Id number (not used) |
Address | Address |
InstallationDate | string (date-time) | Installation date |
InstallationName | string | Installation name |
CustomerWarrantyValidTo | string (date-time) | Customer warranty valid to date |
CustomerNo | string | Customer number |
DepartmentName | string | Department name |
IsVisitingAddress | integer (int32) | Is a visiting address |
Location | string | Location |
Name | Type | Notes |
ProjectNo | integer (int32) | Project Number |
TaskNo | integer (int32) | Task Number |
ReceivedDate | string (date-time) | Date for when the service is received |
PriorityCode | string | Priority Code |
ResponseTime | number (decimal) | Response time |
Symptom |
Symptom codes |
Action |
Action codes |
MachineGuid | string (guid) | Machine Guid |
CustomerNo | string | Customer number |
CustomerName | string | Customer name |
MachineNo | string | Machine number |
ModelType | string | Model type |
AddressName | string | Address name |
OrderLines |
List of orderlines |
Symptom codes
Name | Type | Notes |
Code1 | string | Symptom code 1 |
Code2 | string | Symptom code 2 |
Code3 | string | Symptom code 3 |
Text | string | Description text for symptom |
Action codes
Name | Type | Notes |
Code1 | string | Action code 1 |
Code2 | string | Action code 2 |
Code3 | string | Action code 3 |
Text | string | Description text for action |
List of orderlines
Name | Type | Notes |
OrderNo | integer (int32) | Order number |
LineNo | integer (int32) | Line number |
ArticleNo | string | Article number |
Description | string | Description text |
ActiveFrom | string (date-time) | Active from date |
ActiveTo | string (date-time) | Active to date |
OrderLineSource | string | Source |
TechnicianNo | string | Technician number |
QtyDelivered | number (decimal) | Quantity delivered |
StockNo | string | Stock number |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | The External System Guid |
Company | string | The Company Name/Number in the system |
MachineNo | string | The Machine Number |
MachineGuid | string (guid) | The Machine Guid |
StatusDate | string (date-time) | Status date |
LastActiveDate | string (date-time) | Last active date |
Levels |
List of consumable values |
List of consumable values
Name | Type | Notes |
ConsumableName | string | Consumable name |
Level | number (double) | Level value for consumable |
Coverage | number (double) | Coverage |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | The External System Guid |
Company | string | The Company Name/Number in the system |
MachineGuid | string (guid) | TheMachine Guid |
MachineNo | string | The Machine Number |
ReadingDate | string (date-time) | Date of reading |
MeterReadings |
List of meter readings |
List of meter readings
Name | Type | Notes |
MeterGuid | string (guid) | The Meter Guid |
Value | integer (int64) | Meter reading |
MeterType | string | Meter type |
Name | Type | Notes |
ObjNo | string (guid) | |
Company | string | |
Name | string | |
Description | string | |
Virtual | boolean | |
Type | string | |
TypeDescription | string |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | The External system guid |
Company | string | The company number/name in the system |
MachineGuid | string (guid) | Machine guid |
MachineNo | string | Machine number |
DateFrom | string (date-time) | Request readings from this date |
DateTo | string (date-time) | Request readings to this date |
QueryPagingInfo |
Query paging info, to get data in batches. Set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run. |
Name | Type | Notes |
MeterReadings |
List of meter readings |
PageNumber | integer (int32) | Page number in pagination |
MeterReadingFetchedRows | integer (int32) | Fetched rows in pagination |
MeterReadingTotalRows | integer (int32) | Total rows in pagination |
List of meter readings
Name | Type | Notes |
Company | string | The Company Name/Number in the system |
MachineGuid | string (guid) | The Machine Guid |
MachineNo | string | The Machine Number |
MeterGuid | string (guid) | Meter guid |
MeterType | string | Meter type |
ReadingDate | string (date-time) | Date of reading |
Value | integer (int64) | Meter reading |
Imported | boolean | Imported |
Estimated | boolean | Estimated |
ReadingType | string | Reading type |
ProjectNo | integer (int64) | Project number |
TaskNo | integer (int64) | Task number |
CreatedBy | string | Who (name) created this reading |
CreatedDate | string (date-time) | Date of creation |
ChangedBy | string | Who (name) changed this reading |
ChangedDate | string (date-time) | Date of change |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | |
Company | string | |
Name | string | |
Description | string | |
Virtual | boolean | |
Type | string |
Name | Type | Notes |
MachineId | string (guid) | |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | |
Code | string | |
Value | string | |
Company | string |
Name | Type | Notes |
ValueName | string | |
ValueGuid | string (guid) |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | |
ValueId | string (guid) | ValueId is deprecated, please use SourceId If SourceId is empty the value from ValueId will be used |
SourceId | string (guid) | SourceId is the unique identifier of the object that owns the property value |
Company | string | |
Code | string | The property code of the row that will be updated |
Value | string | The value that will be set on the row found by using SourceId and Code |
Name | Type | Notes |
Company | string | |
ModelType | string | |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | |
ArticleNo | string | |
ModelDescription | string | |
QueryPagingInfo |
Query paging info, to get data in batches. Set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run. |
Name | Type | Notes |
Models |
PageNumber | integer (int32) | Response Page Number |
FetchedRows | integer (int32) | Number of Rows Fetched |
TotalRows | integer (int32) | Number of All Rows |
Name | Type | Notes |
Meters |
Name | Type | Notes |
Company | string | |
ModelGuid | string (guid) | |
MeterGuid | string (guid) | |
OldMeterGuid | string (guid) | |
MeterType | string | |
MeterDescription | string | |
SortNo | integer (int32) | |
VirtualFunction | string | |
NoOfDigits | integer (int32) | |
TargetVolume | integer (int32) | |
PricePerUnit | number (decimal) | |
PricePerExtraUnit | number (decimal) | |
FixedPPU | boolean | |
UseInCalc | boolean | |
MaxCounter | integer (int32) | |
MeterVirtual | boolean |
Name | Type | Notes |
Company | string | The company name/number of the system |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | The external system guid |
OrderNo | integer (int32) | Order number, the order that you want to update |
Status | string | Order status, this field is not used for 'SetOrderAsExported' and is only kept for backward combability |
Name | Type | Notes |
OrderHeading |
Order heading |
OrderLines |
List of order lines |
Order heading
Name | Type | Notes |
OrderHeadingId | integer (int32) | Order heading id (Primary key) |
Company | string | Company name/number of the system |
OrderNo | integer (int32) | Order number |
Dept | string | Department name/number of the system |
InvoiceNo | integer (int32) | Invoice number |
InvoiceType | string | Invoice type |
Status | string | Order ststu |
CustomerNo | string | Customer number |
OrderType | string | Order type |
DeliveryName | string | Delivery name |
DeliveryAddress1 | string | Delivery address 1 |
DeliveryAddress2 | string | Delivery address 2 |
DeliveryPostalcode | string | Delivery postal code |
DeliveryPostlocation | string | Delivery postal location |
CreditTerm | string | Credit term |
MeansOfDelivery | string | Means of delivery |
DeliveryTerm | string | Delivery term |
SalesmanCode | string | Salesman code |
CustomerReference | string | Customer reference (person name) |
OurReference | string | Our reference (person name) |
CalculateVat | Calculate value-added tax |
InvoiceDate | string (date-time) | Invoice date |
DueDate | string (date-time) | Due date |
OrderSource | string | Order source |
Sortgroup1 | string | Sort group 1 |
Sortgroup2 | string | Sort group 2 |
OrderTag | string | Order tag |
InvoiceFee | string | Invoice fee |
Information | string | Information |
Info01 | string | Information field 1 |
Info02 | string | Information field 2 |
Info03 | string | Information field 3 |
Info04 | string | Information field 4 |
Info05 | string | Information field 5 |
Info06 | string | Information field 6 |
Info07 | string | Information field 7 |
Info08 | string | Information field 8 |
Info09 | string | Information field 9 |
Info10 | string | Information field 10 |
OrderNoCredit | integer (int32) | Order number credit |
DeliveryDate | string (date-time) | |
ObjDate | string (date-time) | Object date |
Username | string | Udername |
EvaticInvoiceNo | number (decimal) | Evatic invoice number |
DeliveryAddress3 | string | Delivery address 3 |
DeliveryCountry | string | Delivery country |
RegisterTimestamp | string (date-time) | Rgister timestamp |
ProcessingStatus |
Enums for processing status
ProcessingInformation | string | Processing information (from sql server) |
ProcessingTimestamp | string (date-time) | Processing timestamp |
TransactionGuid | string (guid) | Transaction guid |
ExternalReferenceNo | string | External reference number (external order number) |
CustomerReferenceInfo | string | Customer reference information |
InvoiceCustomerNo | string | Invoice Customer number |
InvoiceAddressName | string | Invoice address name |
InvoiceAddress1 | string | Invoice address 1 |
InvoiceAddress2 | string | Invoice address 2 |
InvoiceAddress3 | string | Invoice address 3 |
InvoicePostalCode | string | Invoice postal code |
InvoicePostLocation | string | Invoice postal location |
InvoiceCountry | string | Invoice country |
ContractNo | string | Contract number |
TransactionId | integer (int32) | Transaction id (TRANSACTION_ID in database table) |
DeliveryCountryISO | string | Delivery country ISO code |
InvoiceCountryISO | string | Invoice country ISO code |
CustomerVatCode | string | Customer value-added tax code |
AddressBankId | string | Address bank id |
AddressBankName | string | Address bank name |
AddressBankAccount | string | Address bank account |
AddressIban | string | Address International Bank Account Number (IBAN) |
AddressBic | string | Address Bank Identifier Code (BIC) |
AddressMandateRefNo | string | Address mandate reference information |
OrderTotal | number (decimal) | Order total value |
OrderVatTotal | number (decimal) | Order total value-added tax |
OrderVatFree | number (decimal) | Order value-added tax free |
OrderVatBasis | number (decimal) | Order value-added tax basic |
LastSavedDate | string (date-time) |
List of order lines
Name | Type | Notes |
CompanyCode | string | |
OrderNo | integer (int32) | |
LineNo | integer (int32) | |
ArticleCode | string | |
Description | string | |
Unit | string | |
CostPrice | number (decimal) | |
SalesPrice | number (decimal) | |
Discount | number (decimal) | |
QuantityDelivered | number (decimal) | |
Vat | number (decimal) | |
MachineCode | string | |
ModelType | string | |
StockNo | string | |
SalesmanCode | string | |
TechnicianCode | string | |
SortGroup1Code | string | |
SortGroup2Code | string | |
IsInvoiceable |
Yes/No/NotSet status |
TaskNo | integer (int32) | |
ProjectNo | integer (int32) | |
SourceGuid | string (guid) | |
ExternalProjectNo | string | |
ExternalTaskNo | string | |
IsBooking | boolean | |
OrderLineSource | string | |
ExternalReferenceNo | string | |
DelAddress3 | string | |
ActiveFrom | string (date-time) | |
Info01 | string | |
Info02 | string | |
Company | string | |
ArticleNo | string | |
QtyDelivered | number (decimal) | |
Invoiceable | string | |
ActiveTo | string (date-time) | |
ActiveDate | string (date-time) | |
ServicesArticleType | string | |
TechnicianNo | string | |
TechnicianDepartment | string | |
Sortgroup1 | string | |
Sortgroup2 | string | |
SupplierGuid | string (guid) | |
CostPriceIn | number (decimal) | |
AggregateArticleType | string | |
MachineGuid | string (guid) | |
Info03 | string | |
Info04 | string | |
ContractPrepaidUnitGuid | string (guid) | |
OrderLineGuid | string (guid) | |
PreOrderGuid | string (guid) | |
OrderLineId | integer (int32) | Order line identifier |
VatCode | number (decimal) | The company name/number of the system |
MachineNo | string | Machine number |
Booking | string | Booking |
ObjDate | string (date-time) | Object date |
Username | string | Username, not used here. See the user name from the order heading. This field is kept for backward combaility. |
RegisterTimestamp | string (date-time) | register timestamp |
ProcessingStatus |
Enums for processing status
ProcessingInformation | string | Processing information from the database |
ProcessingTimestamp | string (date-time) | Processing timestamp from the database |
TransactionGuid | string (guid) | Transaction guid |
AccountNo | string | Account number |
InvoiceNo | integer (int32) | Invoice number |
TransactionId | integer (int32) | Transaction id |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | The external system guid. Required field |
CompanyCode | string | The company code in the system. Required field |
LastChangedDateStart | string (date-time) | Start filter date for last update on the order heading. |
LastChangedDateEnd | string (date-time) | End filter date for last update on the order heading. Default value is null |
InvoiceDateStart | string (date-time) | Start filter date for invoice dates |
InvoiceDateEnd | string (date-time) | End filter date for invoice dates |
SelectTopNumber | integer (int32) | Define how many rows to get. If null, the default number of fetched rows is set to 1000 |
NotInvoiced | boolean | 0 or false - get only invoiced or part invoiced orders. 1 or true - Include not invoiced orders in the result. |
StatusList | string | Comma separated list of statuses to filter on. If not defined, all statuses will be returned. |
OrderNo | integer (int32) | Order number |
Department | string | Department on Order heading |
PagingInfo |
For a paged query, use skip and take to get chunks of data. If not set, the query will return all data matching the query filter. |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | |
CompanyCode | string | |
OrderNo | integer (int32) | |
OrderHeading |
OrderLines |
Name | Type | Notes |
DepartmentCode | string | |
CustomerNo | string | |
OrderType | string | |
Status | string | |
InvoiceNo | integer (int32) | |
InvoiceType | string | |
DeliveryName | string | |
DeliveryAddress1 | string | |
DeliveryAddress2 | string | |
DeliveryAddress3 | string | |
DeliveryPostalCode | string | |
DeliveryPostLocation | string | |
DeliveryCountry | string | |
CreditTerm | string | |
MeansOfDelivery | string | |
DeliveryTerm | string | |
SalesmanCode | string | |
CustomerReference | string | |
OurReference | string | |
CalculateVat | boolean | |
InvoiceDate | string (date-time) | |
DueDate | string (date-time) | |
OrderSource | string | |
SortGroup1 | string | |
SortGroup2 | string | |
Information | string | |
Info01 | string | |
Info02 | string | |
Info03 | string | |
Info04 | string | |
Info05 | string | |
Info06 | string | |
Info07 | string | |
Info08 | string | |
Info09 | string | |
Info10 | string | |
DeliveryDate | string (date-time) | |
CustomerReferenceInfo | string | |
EvaticInvoiceNo | integer (int32) | |
OrderNoCredit | integer (int32) | |
InvoiceFee | boolean | |
InvoiceAddressRow | integer (int32) | |
AmalgamateOrder | boolean |
Name | Type | Notes |
LineNo | integer (int32) | |
ArticleNo | string | |
Description | string | |
Unit | string | |
CostPrice | number (decimal) | |
SalesPrice | number (decimal) | |
Discount | integer (int32) | |
QuantityDelivered | number (decimal) | |
Vat | number (decimal) | |
MachineCode | string | |
ModelType | string | |
TechnicianNo | string | |
StockNo | string | |
SalesmanCode | string | |
Sortgroup1 | string | |
Sortgroup2 | string | |
TaskGuid | string (guid) | |
Invoiceable | string | |
Booking | string | |
OrderLineSource | string | |
ObjDate | string (date-time) | |
Username | string | |
RowType | string | |
ActiveFrom | string (date-time) | |
ActiveTo | string (date-time) | |
HideLine | string | |
Info01 | string | |
Info02 | string | |
Info03 | string | |
Info04 | string | |
ExternalId | string |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | The external system guid |
CompanyCode | string | The company number/name in the system |
OrderNo | integer (int32) | Order number to be updated |
OrderHeading |
Order heading fields that can be updated |
Order heading fields that can be updated
Name | Type | Notes |
Info01 | string | Information field 1 |
Info02 | string | Information field 2 |
Info03 | string | Information field 3 |
Info04 | string | Information field 4 |
Info05 | string | Information field 5 |
Info06 | string | Information field 6 |
Info07 | string | Information field 7 |
Info08 | string | Information field 8 |
Info09 | string | Information field 9 |
Info10 | string | Information field 10 |
The Request Body for retrieving for a project
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | Guid Representing External System |
ProjectNo | integer (int32) | Project number to search for |
Name | Type | Notes |
ProjectNo | integer (int32) | |
Company | string | |
Department | string | |
CustomerNO | string | |
CustomerName | string | |
CustomerGuid | string (guid) | |
Address1 | string | |
Address2 | string | |
Address3 | string | |
PostalCode | string | |
PostLocation | string | |
PhoneNo | string | |
MobilePhoneNo | string | |
Status | string | |
Description | string | |
StartDate | string (date-time) | |
EndDate | string (date-time) | |
Owner | string | |
CustomerReference | string | |
CustomerReferenceInfo | string | |
AreaCode | string | |
Contact | string | |
ContactEmail | string | |
FaxNo | string | |
Country | string | |
Info1 | string | |
Info2 | string | |
Info3 | string | |
Info4 | string | |
Info5 | string | |
Info6 | string |
The Request Body for searching for a service/helpdesk job
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | Guid Representing External System |
ProjectNo | string | Project number to search for |
ExternalProjectNo | string | External project number to search for |
StatusList | string | List of status to search for |
ReceivedDateStart | string (date-time) | Date for received start to search for |
ReceivedDateEnd | string (date-time) | Date for received end to search for |
Node | string | Node text to search for |
LastChangedDateStart | string (date-time) | Date for last changed start to search for |
LastChangedDateEnd | string (date-time) | Date for last changed end to search for |
TaskNo | integer (int32) | Task number to search for |
Name | Type | Notes |
TaskGuid | string (guid) | Guid of this task |
ProjectNo | integer (int32) | Project number |
TaskNo | string | Task number |
Status | string | Status 0 = open, 1 = Finished, 2 = planning mode |
Company | string | Company that this project belong to |
Department | string | Department that this project belong to |
CustomerNo | string | Customer number that this project belong to |
Node | string | Node for this task |
SolutionTime | integer (int32) | Solution time |
SolutionDate | string (date-time) | Calculated solution date |
ResponseDate | string (date-time) | Calculated response date |
ContractGuid | string (guid) | Guid for the contract that this task belongs to |
ContractTypeGuid | string (guid) | Guid for the contract type that this task belongs to |
ResourceGuid | string (guid) | Guid for the resource/technician assigned |
ExternalProjectNo | string | The external referance for this task |
SymptomCode1 | string | Symptom code 1 |
SymptomCode2 | string | Symptom code 2 |
SymptomCode3 | string | Symptom code 3 |
SymptomCode4 | string | Symptom code 4 |
ActionCode1 | string | Action code 1 |
ActionCode2 | string | Action code 2 |
ActionCode3 | string | Action code 3 |
ActionCode4 | string | Action code 4 |
TaskCode1 | string | Same as Symptom code 1 |
TaskCode2 | string | Same as Symptom code 2 |
TaskCode3 | string | Same as Symptom code 3 |
PriorityCode | string | Priority code |
ProjectOwner | string | Owner of the proejct (created by) |
StartDate | string (date-time) | Start date |
CustomerName | string | Customer name |
VisitName | string | Visit name (address) |
Address1 | string | Address line 1 |
Address2 | string | Address line 2 |
Address3 | string | Address line 3 |
PostalCode | string | Postal code |
City | string | City (postal code description) |
AreaCode | string | Area code |
SerialNo | string | Serial code (machine number) |
ModelType | string | Model type of object/machine |
ContractType | string | Type/code for the contract type that this task belongs to |
ContractTypeDesc | string | Description for the contract type that this task belongs to |
ContractNo | string | Contract number for the contract that this task belongs to |
ReceivedDate | string (date-time) | Received date |
ReceivedTime | string (date-time) | Received time |
TaskDescription | string | Description of the task (Symtom text) |
Contact | string | Contact name |
ContactEmail | string | Contact email |
CustomerReference | string | Customer reference |
Info01 | string | Info 01 |
Info02 | string | Info 02 |
Info03 | string | Info 03 |
Info04 | string | Info 04 |
Info05 | string | Info 05 |
Info06 | string | Info 06 |
ActionText | string | Action text |
TaskTitle | string | Task title |
Location | string | Location |
ResponseTime | number (decimal) | Response time |
Country | string | Country |
CoordX | number (decimal) | Coord X |
CoordY | number (decimal) | Coord Y |
FixedPrice | number (decimal) | Fixed price |
CostPrice | number (decimal) | Cost price |
Type | integer (int32) | Type |
ProjectTaskId | integer (int32) | Project task id |
LastChangedDate | string (date-time) | Received date |
InternalComment | string | Internal comment |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | Connecting external system to imported Task. This is a uniq id for tracing Task events |
ExternalCustomerNo | string | Used for external system customer nummber where %Evatic Customer nummber deviates. The external customer nummber are stored as a property on the customer. |
TaskGuid | string (guid) |
CustomerNo | string | Project customer no |
CustomerGuid | string (guid) | This is mandatory for creating a Task in %Evatic %Service |
ContactName | string | Project contact name |
ContactPhoneNummber | string | Phone nummber for the customer |
ContactEmail | string | Email address for contcat |
MachineGuid | string (guid) | Used to add a machine to the Task. |
MachineNo | string | Used to add a machine to the Task. |
MachineModelType | string | Used to add a machine to the Task. |
ResonseDate | string (date-time) | Response date |
ResonseTime | integer (int32) | Response time |
ReceviedDate | string (date-time) | Recevied date |
ReceivedBy | string | Recevied by |
Titel | string | Task title |
Priority | string | Priority code |
SymptomCode1 | string | Symptom code 1 |
SymptomCode2 | string | Symptom code 2 |
SymptomCode3 | string | Symptom code 3 |
SymptomCode4 | string | Symptom code 4 (only helpdesk) |
SymptomText | string | Symptom text/description of job |
InternalComment | string | Internal comment |
ExternalCreateDate | string (date-time) | Timestamp for External system creation date |
ExternalProjectNo | string | Link between external system and %Evatic %Service |
ExternalTaskNo | string | If the external system has Task nummber. |
Type | integer (int32) |
Information1 | string | Informaion field, optional field that can be set up to be visible for the users of Evatic |
Information2 | string | Informaion field, optional field that can be set up to be visible for the users of Evatic |
Information3 | string | Informaion field, optional field that can be set up to be visible for the users of Evatic |
Information4 | string | Informaion field, optional field that can be set up to be visible for the users of Evatic |
Information5 | string | Informaion field, optional field that can be set up to be visible for the users of Evatic |
Information6 | string | Informaion field, optional field that can be set up to be visible for the users of Evatic |
SolutionDate | string (date-time) | Solution date |
PreOrder |
Pre order articles/parts |
Status | string | Status, 0 = open, 1 = Finished |
TreeNodeText | string | Node, que |
ProjectContact | string | Contact for the project |
ProjectContactEmail | string | Contact email for the project |
ProjectMobilePhoneNumber | string | Mobile phone number for the project |
ProjectStatus | string | Status for the project 0 = open, 1 = closed |
ProjectCustomerReference | string | Customer reference for the project |
ProjectInformation1 | string | Info field for the project |
ProjectInformation2 | string | Info field for the project |
ProjectInformation3 | string | Info field for the project |
ProjectInformation4 | string | Info field for the project |
ProjectInformation5 | string | Info field for the project |
ProjectInformation6 | string | Info field for the project |
Location | string | Location/building information for the machine |
ActionCode1 | string | Action code for the task |
ActionCode2 | string | Action code for the task |
ActionCode3 | string | Action code for the task |
ActionCode4 | string | Action code for the task |
ActionText | string | Action text for the task |
MobilePhoneNumber | string | Mobile phone numer |
LanguageId | string | Language (used for print) |
Coord_X | number (decimal) | Location for map |
Coord_Y | number (decimal) | Location for map |
FixedPrice | number (decimal) | Fixed price for the task |
CostPrice | number (decimal) | Cost price for the task |
Pre order articles/parts
Name | Type | Notes |
ArticleNo | string | Article number |
Description | string | Article description |
Quantity | number (decimal) | Quantity |
Number | integer (int32) | Line number |
StockNo | string | Stock number (optional) |
Name | Type | Notes |
TaskGuid | string (guid) | Uniqe id for the current task on the project |
CustomerNo | string | %Evatic %Service Customer nummber |
ExternalProjectNo | string | External Project nummber |
ExternalTaskNo | string | External Task nummber |
ProjectTaskNo | string | %Evatic %Service Project nummber and Task nummber Format ProjectNo/TaskNo |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | Identifier for the External System. |
ProjectStatus | string | Status of the project 0 = Open, 1 = Closed |
ResponseMessage | string | Information back to developer |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | External System unique identifier |
Company | string | Company's name/number |
StockNo | string | Stock number |
StockDescription | string | Stock Description |
QueryPagingInfo |
Query paging info, to get data in batches. Set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run. |
Name | Type | Notes |
StockInventory |
List Of Stocks |
PageNumber | integer (int32) | Response Page number |
StockInventoryFetchedRows | integer (int32) | How mnay Rows fetched in the Response |
StockInventoryTotalRows | integer (int32) | How many rows are available to fetch |
List Of Stocks
Name | Type | Notes |
Company | string | Company's name/number |
StockNo | string | Stock number |
StockDescription | string | Stock description |
ArticleNo | string | Article number |
ArticleDescription | string | Article description |
SerialNoArticle | string | Article Serial number |
ArticleUseSerialNo | integer (int32) | Use 1 to make the use of a serial number mandatory, 0 to make optional |
ArticleInfo | string | Article information |
Location | string | Stock's location |
Quantity | number (decimal) | Stock's Quantity |
Unit | string | Stock's Unit |
PurchaseUnit | string | Stock's purchase unit |
ReOrderPoint | number (decimal) | Threshold value for reordering |
SupplierNo | string | Stock's supplier Number |
SupplierName | string | Stock's supplier Name |
EanNo | string | Stock's EAN number |
OrderQuantity | number (decimal) | Stock's order quantities |
MaxAmount | number (decimal) | Stock's max amount |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | External system unique identifier |
Company | string | Company's name/number |
StockNo | string | Stock number |
ArticleNo | string | Article number |
StockAdminTypeId | integer (int32) | Stock Admin type Id is type of transaction 0 None/All 1 Moved 2 Sold 3 Use 4 Inventory count 5 Supplier invoiced 6 Ordered 7 Delivered 8 Returned 9 Credit 10 Returned internal 11 Delivered to customer 12 Serialnumber no change 13 Returned warranty 14 Returned serial no not on stock 15 Accessories removed from machine 16 Orderline deleted 17 Orderline changed 18 Serial price chaned 19 Packing slip deleted 20 Packing slip picked 21 Packing slip un-picked |
DateFrom | string (date-time) | Date range lower boundry |
DateTo | string (date-time) | Date range upper boundry |
ExcludeExternalStatus | boolean | check to enable/disable excluding od external status |
ExternalStatus | string | External status of the stock if enabled |
QueryPagingInfo |
Paging information |
Name | Type | Notes |
StockAdminLogId | integer (int32) | Stock admin's Log unique identifier |
StockAdminTypeId |
Stock admin log type
Company | string | Stock admin's Company name/number |
ArticleGuid | string (guid) | Stock admin's Article unique identifier |
ArticleNo | string | Stock admin's article number |
ArticleDescription | string | Stocks's admin article description |
ArticleSerialNo | string | Stock admin's Article Serial number |
StockGuid1 | string (guid) | Stock admin's unique identifier 1 |
StockGuid2 | string (guid) | Stock admin's unique identifier 2 |
StockNo1 | string | Stock admin's Number 1 |
StockNo2 | string | Stock admin's Number 2 |
SourceGuid1 | string (guid) | Stock admin's Source unique identifier 1 |
SourceGuid2 | string (guid) | Stock admin's Source unique identifier 2 |
CustomerNo | string | Stock admin's Customer number |
MachineNo | string | Stock admin's Machine number |
ModelType | string | Stock admin's Model Type |
OrderNo | string | Stock admin's order number |
StockAdminOrderGuid | string (guid) | Stock admin's Order unique identifier |
StockAdminOrderNo | string | Stock admin's Order number |
SupplierNo | string | Stock admin's Supplier number |
SupplierName | string | Stock admin's Supplier Name |
SupplierOrderNo | string | Stock admin's supplier Order No |
SupplierInvoiceNo | string | Stock admin's Supplier Invoice Number |
Date | string (date-time) | Stock admin's date |
Quantity | number (decimal) | Stock admin's quantity |
Information | string | Stock admin's information |
Username | string | Stock admin's user name |
ExternalStatus | string | Stocks admin's External Status |
CostPrice | number (decimal) | Stocks admin's Cost Price |
SalesPrice | number (decimal) | Stock admin's sales price |
StockLogVersion | string | Stock admin's Log Version |
Stock admin log type
- 0 = None/All
- 1 = Moved
- 2 = Sold
- 3 = Use
- 4 = Inventory count
- 5 = Supplier invoiced
- 6 = Ordered
- 7 = Delivered
- 8 = Returned
- 9 = Credit
- 10 = Returned internal
- 11 = Delivered to customer
- 12 = Serialnumber no change
- 13 = Returned warranty
- 14 = Returned serial no not on stock
- 15 = Accessories removed from machine
- 16 = Orderline deleted
- 17 = Orderline changed
- 18 = Serial price chaned
- 19 = Packing slip deleted
- 20 = Packing slip picked
- 21 = Packing slip un-picked
Enum Values
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | External system unique identifier |
StockAdminLogId | integer (int32) | Stock admin log unique identifier |
ExternalStatus | string | External status character |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | External System unique identifier |
Company | string | Stock's Company name/number |
ArticleGuid | string (guid) | Stock's Article guid |
ArticleNo | string | Stock's article number |
StockGuid | string (guid) | Stock's unique identifier |
StockNo | string | Stock's number |
QuantityOnStock | number (decimal) | Available Quantity on Stock |
Location | string | Stock's location |
MeanCostPrice | number (decimal) | Stock's mean cost price |
SerialNumbers |
List of serial numbers |
List of serial numbers
Name | Type | Notes |
SerialNumber | string | Stock Article serial number |
BinLocation | string | Stock Article bin location |
CostPrice | number (decimal) | Stock article Cost price |
Name | Type | Notes |
ProcessingStatus |
Enums for processing status
ProcessingInformation | string | Processing information |
ProcessingTimestamp | string (date-time) | Processing Date time |
Filter supplier order heading query on some or all of these criteria
Name | Type | Notes |
Company | string | Company code |
OrderType |
Supplier order type enums
Status | string | supplier order status |
DateFrom | string (date-time) | supplier orders created on or after this date |
DateTo | string (date-time) | supplier orders created before this date |
QueryPagingInfo | Query paging info, to get data in batches. Set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run. \r\n \r\n Then run the request in a loop until all rows have been fetched, increasing the Skip value for each run, the Take value should be unchanged throughout. \r\n \r\n If you set the Take value to 0, or don't add QueryPagingInfo, all rows will be fetched in one run, no loop required. But the response may take a long time, and possibly time out if the number of returned rows is large. |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | API required field: the integration's external system guid |
Supplier order type enums
- 0 = None
- 2 = General
- 3 = Express
- 4 = Return
- 6 = Internal return
- 7 = Direct delivery
Enum Values
Response data for the supplier orders
Name | Type | Notes |
SupplierOrders |
List of returned Supplier orders |
PageNumber | integer (int32) | PageNumber for the paged query |
SupplierOrderFetchedRows | integer (int32) | Number of rows fetched in this batch |
SupplierOrderTotalRows | integer (int32) | Total number of rows to fetch |
List of returned Supplier orders
Name | Type | Notes |
Company | string | Company code |
Dept | string | Department number |
OrderNo | integer (int32) | Supplier order number |
OrderGuid | string (guid) | Supplier order guid |
OrderDate | string (date-time) | Supplier order date |
MeansOfDelivery | string | Means of delivery code |
ChangedDate | string (date-time) | Last updated date |
Header |
Supplier order heading |
Lines |
List of supplier order lines |
Supplier order heading
Name | Type | Notes |
OrderType | Supplier order type object |
SupplierNo | string | Supplier number |
SupplierGuid | string (guid) | Supplier guid |
SupplierName | string | Supplier name |
SupplierContact | string | Supplier contact person |
SupplierOrderNo | string | Supplier order number |
DeliveryCustomerNo | string | Customer number for the delivery customer |
DeliveryContact | string | Contact person for the delivery customer |
DeliveryPhone | string | Phone number for the delivery customer |
DeliveryAddress | Delivery address object |
DirectDelivery | boolean | Direct delivery true/false |
Status | string | Supplier order status |
StatusInformation | string | Supplier order status information text |
Information | string | Supplier order information |
List of supplier order lines
Name | Type | Notes |
SupplierOrderGuid | string (guid) | Guid for the supplier order (uniqe identifier for each supplier order) |
OrderLineNo | integer (int32) | Line number of this order |
ArticleNo | string | Article number |
ArticleGuid | string (guid) | Guid in the Evatic database for this article |
LineDescription | string | Line/article description |
StockNo | string | Stock number |
StockGuid | string (guid) | Guid in the Evatic database for this stock |
QtyOrdered | integer (int32) | Qty ordered from the supplier |
QtyReceived | integer (int32) | Qty received from the supplier |
CostPrice | number (decimal) | Price for this article |
ProjectNo | integer (int32) | Project number, if this supplier order line is connected to a service job |
TaskNo | integer (int32) | Task number, if this supplier order line is connected to a service job |
SalesOrderNo | integer (int32) | Order number, if this supplier order line is connected to a sales order |
ReturnReference | string | Reference text if this is a return to supplier |
ReturnType | string | Return type if this is a return to supplier |
ReturnSerialNo | string | Serial number of the part if this is a return to supplier and the part is a serial number required part |
Currency | string | Currency the price is in (if blank it is the base currency of the system) |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | API required field: integration's external system guid |
SupplierOrderGuid | string (guid) | Supplier order guid |
Status | string | Supplier order status |
StatusInformation | string | Supplier order status information |
Supplier order line received parts properties
Name | Type | Notes |
Company | string | Company code |
SupplierOrderGuid | string (guid) | Supplier order guid |
OrderLineNo | integer (int32) | Supplier order line number |
QtyReceived | integer (int32) | Quantity received |
CostPrice | number (decimal) | Cost price |
AllReceived | boolean | Boolean if all parts/articles are received |
PackingSlipNo | string | Packing slip number for the received parts packing slip |
PackingSlipLineNo | integer (int32) | Packing slip line number in the received parts packing slip |
SerialNo | string | Serial number for part/article |
BinLocation | string | Part/article bin location |
Currency | string | Currency the price is in (if blank it is the base currency of the system) |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | Api required field: integration's External system guid |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | API Required field - the integration's external system guid |
OrderNo | integer (int32) | Supplier order number |
OrderGuid | string (guid) | Supplier order guid |
Supplier order invoice properties
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | Api required field: the integration's externals system guid |
Company | string | Company code |
InvoiceNumber | string | Invoice number |
SupplierGuid | string (guid) | Supplier guid |
SupplierOrderGuid | string (guid) | Supplier order guid |
InvoiceHeading |
Supplier invoice heading object |
InvoiceLines |
List of supplier invoice lines |
Supplier invoice heading object
Name | Type | Notes |
InvoiceDate | string (date-time) | Required field: Supplier order invoice date |
CreditTerm | string (guid) | Supplier credit term guid |
List of supplier invoice lines
Name | Type | Notes |
InvoiceLineNo | integer (int32) | Required field supplier invoice line number |
SupplierOrderLineNo | integer (int32) | Required field Supplier order line number |
ArticleGuid | string (guid) | Required field article guid |
Description | string | Supplier invoice description |
Quantity | integer (int32) | Required field Quantity invoiced |
CostPrice | number (decimal) | Required field cost price |
Discount1 | number (decimal) | Discount 1 |
Discount2 | number (decimal) | Discount 2 |
WarrantyLength | integer (int32) | Warranty length |
Currency | string | Currency the price is in (if blank it is the base currency of the system) |
Supplier invoice update status request, for updating supplier invoice status
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | Api required field: integration's external system guid |
Company | string | Required field: Company code |
InvoiceNumber | string | Required field: invoice number |
SupplierGuid | string (guid) | Required field Supplier guid |
SupplierOrderGuid | string (guid) | Required field Supplier order guid |
Status |
Enums for supplier invoice statuses
Enums for supplier invoice statuses
- O = StatusOpen
- F = StatusFinished
- E = StatusExported
Enum Values
Supplier invoice header request properties
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | Api required field: the integration's external system guid |
Company | string | Company code |
DateFrom | string (date-time) | Get supplier invoices created on or after this date |
DateTo | string (date-time) | Get supplier invoices created before this date |
Status | string | Supplier invoice status |
SupplierNo | string | Supplier number |
QueryPagingInfo |
Query paging info, to get data in batches. Set the Take and Skip values of the QueryPagingInfo. The Skip value should be 0 on the first run. |
Properties of get Supplier invoices response object
Name | Type | Notes |
SupplierInvoices |
List of supplier invoices |
PageNumber | integer (int32) | page number for paged/batched queries |
SupplierInvoiceFetchedRows | integer (int32) | Number of supplier invoices fetched in this batch |
SupplierInvoiceTotalRows | integer (int32) | Total number of supplier invoices to fetch |
List of supplier invoices
Name | Type | Notes |
Company | string | Company code |
InvoiceNo | string | Supplier invoice number |
InvoiceDate | string (date-time) | Supplier invoice date |
Header |
Supplier invoice header object |
Lines |
List of Supplier invoice lines |
Supplier invoice header object
Name | Type | Notes |
Company | string | Company number in the Evatic database that this supplier invoice belongs to |
SupplierNo | string | The supplier number connected to the invoice |
InvoiceNo | string | The suppliers invoice number |
InvoiceDate | string (date-time) | Invoice date |
InvoiceStatus | string | Status of the invoice |
OrderNo | integer (int32) | The supplier order that this invoice is connected to |
CreditTerm | string | Credit term |
CreditTermDescription | string | Description of the credit term |
OrderType |
Supplier order type enums
SupplierGuid | string (guid) | |
SupplierOrderGuid | string (guid) | |
SuppliersOrderNo | string | |
OrderTypeValue | string |
List of Supplier invoice lines
Name | Type | Notes |
Company | string | Company code |
InvoiceNo | string | Supplier invoice number |
InvoiceLineNo | integer (int32) | Supplier invoice line number |
OrderNo | integer (int32) | Supplier order number |
OrderLineNo | integer (int32) | Supplier order line number |
SupplierNo | string | Supplier number |
ArticleNo | string | Article number |
ArticleDescription | string | Article description |
ArticlePurchaseAccountNo | string | Article purchase account number |
ArticleAccountNoStock | string | Article account number on stock |
Quantity | integer (int32) | Quantity |
CostPrice | number (decimal) | Cost price |
DiscountCostPrice | number (decimal) | Discount cost price 1 |
DiscountCostPrice2 | number (decimal) | Discount cost price 2 |
WarrantyLength | integer (int32) | Warranty length |
Currency | string | Currency the price is in (if blank it is the base currency of the system) |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | |
ExternalSystemId | integer (int32) | |
Devices |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalDeviceId | string | |
IpAddress | string | |
MacAddress | string | |
LastActiveDate | string (date-time) | |
SerialNumber | string | |
AssetNumber | string | |
ModelName | string | |
ExternalNode | string |
Represents an action result that returns an empty HttpStatusCode.OK response.
Name | Type | Notes |
Request |
Gets a HTTP request message for the results. |
Gets a HTTP request message for the results.
Name | Type | Notes |
Version |
Content |
Method |
RequestUri | string (uri) | |
Headers |
Properties | object |
Name | Type | Notes |
Major | integer (int32) | |
Minor | integer (int32) | |
Build | integer (int32) | |
Revision | integer (int32) | |
MajorRevision | integer | |
MinorRevision | integer |
Name | Type | Notes |
Headers |
Name | Type | Notes |
Method | string |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalSystemGuid | string (guid) | |
ExternalSystemId | integer (int32) | |
Devices |
Name | Type | Notes |
ExternalDeviceId | string | The device identifier in the external system. |
DeviceId | integer (int64) | Internally device identifier |
MeterReading |
TonerLevels |
Name | Type | Notes |
MeterMapId | integer (int32) | |
Label | string | |
ScanTime | string (date-time) | |
Value | integer (int64) |
Name | Type | Notes |
ConsumableName | string | |
ConsumableLevel | number (float) | |
ConsumableColorantType | string | |
ConsumableType | integer (int32) | |
LastUpdatedAt | string (date-time) | |
HistoricalCoverageFactor | number (float) |